We all have habits, some are beneficial and others are not.  Sometimes a habit that once served you well becomes troublesome and you would like to change it.  Below is my story of when a habit changed from beneficial to detrimental and what I did about it.

retro television

retro television

Growing up TV was a source of comfort and companionship because both of my parents worked full time and my siblings were much older.  It kept me company when no one else was home, it lulled me to sleep at times when I was feeling scared, it entertained me when no one else was around. Certain shows bonded the family together. I have great memories of staying up late on Friday night with my Mom to watch Johnny Carson.  Once I started to watch a show I was mesmerized and tuned everything else out.  It was my coping mechanism when feeling scared or lonely.

Fast forward forty years, my daughters are young adults and living at home.  They use the TV in a similar fashion.  They want to have the TV on for background noise whether they are taking a quick nap or are working on other projects.  They use it as a way to “veg out” after work.   My husband enjoys watching comedy shows to relax.  The problem is to this day I get mesmerized by the TV, even when I have no interest in the show!

The habit that once served me well is very distracting and stopping me from being productive now.  When home alone I have no issues because I don’t turn the TV on.  However when someone does turn it on I can’t help myself, I get sucked in and mesmerized.  I will even criticize a show, not like it but continue to watch it!  I am working on changing this.

First step is awareness. I know I have an issue that is rooted in my past and want to change it. Second step is making a plan for change. Telling myself I will leave the room and then doing it is key. I also asked my family for support.  If they see me getting pulled in when I said I wanted to do something else they pause the TV and ask if I really want to watch it. Then I make the decision to continue watching or get up and leave the room. This is reconditioning my brain and changing my old habit.

Are you aware of an issue you want to change? Do you need a plan and some support in changing a mindset or habit? Let’s talk and see if I can be your “TV pauser” to get you moving in the right direction again.  Click here to message me.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.