lemon oilThere are multiple uses for Lemon oil and it is a powerful player in natural healing. It is one of 4 universal essential oils because of its versatility. When inhaled it can help you to focus and invigorate your spirit. I have used it many an afternoon to help with the after lunch slump or to improve my concentration while writing or researching a subject.

I have worked with clients suffering with mild depression that find using the lemon oil helps to elevate their mood and keep them more positive and engaged.

It contains d-limonene which helps to support your immune system. Every morning upon awakening I drink a glass of water with 2 – 4 drops of Lemon (or another citrus oil) to help keep me healthy. It tastes great and is very refreshing!

Lemon oil supports the circulatory system. I frequently use it as part of a program to help people lower their blood pressure.  Clients have come to me because they don’t want to start on blood pressure medications or are looking for alternatives to the medications. I worked with one client in particular that did not like the way her blood pressure medication made her feel and was looking for an alternative. We determined lemon oil is what her body wanted and needed. She applied the lemon oil to the bottom of her feet twice a day, did a 5 – 12 minute meditation most days and received healing touch. After one month her blood pressure was on the low side of normal range and after 2 months it was low and the doctor took her off her medication.

It is important to note that she checked her blood pressure daily and kept a record which she took to her MD appointment. Her MD was always in the loop. You should never stop any medication abruptly without consulting with your physician.

She was very happy and her blood pressure has remained normal even without the oil. Many times the oils can make changes at a cellular level and when combined with lifestyle changes (like meditation) you do not even have to continue to take the oil!

So get yourself a bottle therapeutic grade lemon oil and make your body and mind happy! Have you used lemon oil before? I would love to hear your story.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.