Access and Use Your Intuition to Expand Your Healing Skills

Nurture and strengthen your ability to follow your intuition to support your energy healing work by developing your Higher Sense Perception.         

Deepen your therapeutic skills with methods and sequences that address more complex issues and promote deeper healing.  

Explore the theoretical framework of the Human Energy System according to the work of renowned healer Barbara Ann Brennan and practice the Full Spectrum Healing Sequence adapted from her teachings.  Emphasis is placed on sequencing techniques for deeper healing.  You must have completed Level 2 to take this class.

In this class you will:

  • Become familiar with the four dimensions of the human energy system to expand your spiritual intelligence 
  • Experience the Hara Alignment Meditation to promote a higher energy frequency
  • Experience working on the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh energetic bodies to fortify and reconnect the grid of the subtle bodies.
  • Discover Energetic Chelation to charge and clear the aura in preparation for applying additional energetic cleansing treatments
  • Learn Lymphatic Clearing to energetically address soreness, aches, tenderness in the lymph system, swollen joints, chronic illness, toxicity or acute immune disease

I invite you to join me in the Level 3 class and add these incredibly valuable skills to your healing work.

Develop your gifts.