photo0045Music can move the soul. I remember taking my dog Huck out for a walk on a pleasant day in the late afternoon. I found a trail along the shore that I had not taken before. The sun was low in the sky, birds splashing about in the water, a slight breeze in the air and the temperature was perfect. Huck loved all the new smells. It was peaceful out here and I felt calm and relaxed. As we came to the paved path (which I had been on many times) I heard someone playing the saxophone. This man was seating out on a dock and playing for the pure joy of it. I stopped along the path to listen for a time. I did not recognize any particular tune but the sound was slow, soothing and very uplifting for me. I believe the man was feeding his own soul as well as mine.

Music is so powerful. It can help me feel happy, calm me down or even improve my focus when I’m working on a project. I grew up with music. My father was a musician and played guitar. The picture is my Dad and Mom  quite some time ago.  He was an exterminator by day and musician every Friday and Saturday night. Every evening he played for at least an hour. That was his passion and his expressive outlet. He played classical, rock and roll, jazz, just about everything. Perhaps that is why I appreciate so many different types of music. I played clarinet for many years and played guitar somewhat but it was not my passion like it was for my Dad.

Whether you make your own music or listen to music made by others it can have a profound effect on your mood. I love to listen to rock and roll when doing housework or exercising because it keeps me energized. Jazz is great when I’m driving and sitting in traffic, upbeat but calming. I listen to classical that has no words when I am working on the computer or studying because it stimulates me but does not distract me. Have you had an experience where music comforted you, uplifted you or calmed you down? I would like to hear about it. Please comment below. Music can move your soul and it has no adverse side effects!

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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.