stressed altered copyHealing touch can help you get out of overwhelm and stress. Stress affects your physical body with symptoms such as frequent headaches, neck or back pain, difficulty sleeping at night, digestive issues and chronic fatigue. Emotionally you may feel irritable, on edge all the time or just want to withdraw and hide. Mentally you may be more forgetful, have difficulty on centrating or making decisions. Stress also lowers your immune system so many people experience cold sores, colds or asthma flair-ups.
Healing touch produces a profound sense of relaxation in both the body and mind which helps everything come back into balance and ease or resolve the above symptoms. After a session clients tell me they feel much calmer, grounded and that physical pain is less or resolved. Your energy system, along with your subconscious, holds all your thoughts, beliefs and emotions. When you do not process or let go of traumatic or negative events your field gets clogged up or blocked and energy cannot flow and you develop physical symptoms.Healing touch allows you to gently release negative emotions and traumatic experiences you may or may not be aware of. By clearing and balancing the field energy can flow freely and your body can help to heal itself. Your body wants to be in balance and has innate healing abilities. Your energy system has a memory and that is why I like to work with people for a minimum of 3 sessions.
Don’t just take my word for it. Here is an excerpt from a testimonial from one of my clients.
“Laurie is AMAZING. I have had the pleasure of seeing her at least 3 times so far and each time I leave so refreshed and at peace with the world. When I first met with Laurie, I was dealing with a lot of stress at work. She helped me relax and taught me ways to self-heal and calm myself down. I was really at the breaking point with my job and felt physically sick . I had a lot of headaches, backaches,stomach/digestive problems, and caught colds often– all associated with the stress I dealt with at work. I couldn’t believe how powerful her Healing Touch really was! I am doing much better now thanks to Laurie and the methods she taught me I will continue to see her on a monthly basis to keep my stress at bay. =) Thank you so much Laurie for all that you’ve done. “Regina F. San Leandro, CA
I invite you to come and talk with me about any symptoms you are experiencing and how to best address them. Even though it may feel daunting or impossible I know you can get out of overwhelm and stress so you can feel happy, healthy and enjoy life to the fullest.
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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fearsand self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine,as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.