upper back painMy chronic pain was finally relieved after using aromatherapy and receiving healing touch for several sessions. I had an injury to the left side of my neck and upper back. After regular physical therapy my condition was improved and I was able to return to work. However I lived with a throbbing ache that occurred daily and was always worse at night. Frequently it was hard to fall asleep at night. When I worked on the computer or read a book the throbbing was very distracting. I did not want to take medications on a daily basis for the pain due to potential side effects. I also tried massage and acupuncture which worked but only for a short duration. I thought I would just have to live with it.

Then I started to study holistic therapies. I attended a 3 day healing touch class. One the second day the instructor used me to demonstrate a pain relief technique and I could feel the throbbing getting weaker and finally leave. It returned a few hours later. The third day she demonstrated another technique on me and the pain was relieved until the next day! I was amazed, she had spent only a few minutes working on me and I felt a major difference. So I located a healing touch practitioner in my area and proceeded to get a series of treatments. Each time I went the pain relief lasted longer and longer.

After 4 or 5 sessions over a 2 month period my pain finally resolved! I could lie on my back in bed without a burning or throbbing sensation for the first time in over a year! I could now focus better when reading or performing other “quiet” activities because the pain was no longer distracting me. I could exercise more without fear of exacerbating the pain. It was because of this experience that I made a commitment to become a healing touch certified practitioner so I could help others alleviate pain without medications.

Many factors contribute to physical pain. When a muscle is injured it responds by contracting (tightening) and trying to protect itself. This actually causes more damage and pain. Healing touch initiates the relaxation response in the body which means endorphins are released and that relaxes muscles. When the muscle relaxes it receives increased circulation and oxygen into the area and toxins can be released and carried away. Healthy cells can regenerate so healing can occur. This explains one way healing touch helps your body to help itself to heal.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.