personal care products

Are you aware that your personal care products may be causing hormonal imbalances? That’s right many products you use every day may contain endocrine disruptors (chemicals that interfere with human hormones) that can contribute to moodiness, cancer, early or late puberty in children and developmental disorders. Do you really know what is in your body lotion, shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste or anything you put on your skin?

When I was in my late 20’s I noticed an emotional pattern in myself of periodically “blowing up” at other family members for trivial things. I felt like I had to yell, scream or cry and get it out or I would explode. I lived with this pattern for close to 20 years.

The chemicals you put on your skin get absorbed quickly, in 30 seconds or less, and can cause harm before they reach your liver which is your filtering organ. Women use an average of 10 personal care products a day, men 4. So how many chemicals are you applying to your skin on a daily basis?

I learned about the dangers of these chemicals about 8 years ago and started really limiting my exposure. I also started practicing holistic therapies and within a year that emotional pattern disappeared. I still get angry and “blow-up” every once in a while but not for trivial things.

Here are my top 5 ingredients to avoid in personal care products:

  1. Phthalates – linked to lung, liver and kidney cancer. May cause early puberty in girls and damage male reproductive system.   BANNED in Europe.


  1. Parabens – mimic natural estrogen. Propyl-, Butyl-, Isopropyl-, and Isobutyl- parabens specifically may cause reproductive and developmental disorders. Journal of Applied Toxicology found high amounts in breast cancer cell growth, may contribute to greatly increasing your risk of cancer.


  1. Triclosan and Triclocarban – affects male and female reproductive hormones and thyroid function. Found in anti-bacterial hand gels. May contribute to antibiotic resistant bacteria strains.


  1. Fragrance – Companies are not required to list ingredients in their fragrance mixture (trade secret) so many contain phthalates and other hormone disruptors


  1. BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisol) – Classified as probable human carcinogen and disrupts reproductive and thyroid hormone levels. Europe considers it unsafe in fragrance.

If you are experiencing irritability, moodiness or other emotional pain I can help in many ways.

First limit your exposure to the above ingredients as much as possible. Then work with me to clear the toxins from your system using aromatherapy and healing touch. You will also learn techniques to help take better care of yourself. Helping you feel happier, more stable and confident is my goal.