small dolphin groupWhile in Hawaii, swimming with wild dolphins was a healing experience for me.   The water was calm and the sun bright. After boarding Sunlight on Water, Captain “China” Mike said a prayer in Hawaiian before leaving the dock. It was for safe passage and to find dolphins.   As I entered the ocean off the back of the boat the water was chilly and took my breath away but the minute I looked down and saw all the dolphins I forgot about everything else.

There were hundreds of them! Groups large and small swimming below me, beside me and once they swam right towards me! Sometimes they were as close as 6 feet from me and other times 60 feet below but they were easily visible because the waters were so clear.

Many were sleeping. You can tell because one eye closes when they sleep and they move slower. Others wanted to play and would spin around and sometimes out of the water. Some swam on their backs (I felt those were the comedians of the group) while others raced to the surface dodging each other like a game of dodge ball!   Some people dove below the surface and would spin around, the dolphins then imitated and followed them for a while.

I had a feeling of wonderment and profound gratitude for being able to experience this. The dolphins stayed in the area and interacted with us for 1 ½ hours. Some had scars on their body, the origin I will never know but it made me stop and think of man’s impact on these creatures. A child like giddiness came over me.   Nothing else existed except me and the dolphins. I was in another world. Feeling awe at everything I was seeing. There were moments when I could not see anything in the water but I did not feel alone because I could hear the dolphins talking.

After that experience I felt euphoric the rest of the day! All of my concerns about regular day to day life vanished and I was “recharged”. Now I can’t afford to go to Hawaii every month to recharge my battery so I take care of myself by receiving energy work, massage and using therapeutic grade essential oils. I can help you break through your pain, recharge your battery, help you to relax and break the stress cycle. I will also teach you techniques you can do yourself on-going. Contact me for a free consultation.

As an energy worker, I believe there should be some sort of exchange between people so this content is not for free. If you found it valuable, in exchange for payment, I ask that you do one or all of the following: 1) Share it with at least 2 people on Facebook, via email or any social media of your choice.   2) Answer the question or leave a comment.

Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.