California’s wildfires have and continue to wreak havoc with the air quality. Many people are experiencing unhealthy or very unhealthy air quality. Many know the basics such as keeping your doors and windows closed unless you are in extreme heat without an air conditioner but more options exist.
Here are some tips for all ages on how to support your respiratory system.

1. Many essential oils offer support to your respiratory system. Eucalyptus oils are the respiratory tracts best friend because of the high 1.8 Cineole content. Eucalyptus radiate and Eucalyptus Blue (Eucalyptus bicostata) are the gentlest of the family. Diffuse for 30 minutes to an hour 3-4 times a day. You can also dilute them to a 5-10% solution and apply topically to chest or reflex points on the feet 1-3 times a day. CAUTION do not apply to or near the face of infants or children under the age of ten. DO NOT take orally.

A better choice for children is Ravensara (Ravensara aromatic), Ravintsara (Cinnamomum camphor) or Myrtle (Myrtus communis). All of these oils have 1.8 Cineole but in much lower percentages so are safe to use near a child’s face. Diffuse for 30 minutes to an hour up to 4 times a day. May apply 5 – 10% solution topically to chest, upper back or reflex points on the feet up to 4 times a day. These oils can be taken orally but I advise you work with a Certified Aromatherapist to determine correct dosage and frequency.

2. If you have asthma or other lung disease be sure to keep your rescue inhaler with you and USE IT if you feel short of breath or chest tightness. If you need to use it more than 3 times a day for 3 days contact your doctor, you may need additional help in decreasing lung inflammation. I believe in integrative medicine. I start with holistic therapies first and use medications when necessary.

3. Portable air purifiers, ionic or with HEPA filter, can further reduce indoor air pollution and particulates. I recommend using one in your bedroom since most people spend 6 – 8 hours there. It will help your body to recover and detoxify. Be sure you have the correct purifier for your room size.

4. If you must be outside, especially for extended periods, wearing a N95 or P 100 facemask will filter out harmful particles. A simple surgical mask or scarf will not filter out particles.

5. Emotions such as trauma, fear or anger contribute to physical illness so clearing, balancing and energizing your energy field can help support your respiratory system. Receiving healing touch or preforming the self-chakra connection on yourself can support your general health and well-being.