Picture blog 4-17I was walking through a vineyard with old vines in the spring. Some were still completely bare, others had some leaf buds and others had a combination of leaves, buds and bare spots. I thought I am like that grapevine. My life is like the seasons of the plant. I have wisdom and gifts deep within that I want to bring out and share. Just like the buds forming on the vines I have ideas that I nurture and talk about with people that support me. Some grow and blossom while others do not bloom because it is the wrong time or not the right conditions. Even as one idea or thought withers many more are forming and growing on the vine. The entire vine does not die if a few leaves or buds do not grow, it just keeps growing and producing new ones. That is how I am.Some things in my life have not worked out the way I planned but I keep going and growing!The bare spots on the vine do not mean it will never have leaves there. It just means the time is not right at that moment for buds and leaves to grow in

that spot. As the season continues it will continue to grow and fill in the bare spots. I feel life is like that. We can’t always have what we want exactly when we want it but with some attention and care it can happen later on.Every year the vines produce fruit but the taste and color of the grapes are always different. Every year I know I will grow but I can’t predict in what ways.When my daughters were young my life revolved around them and I loved it. Once they were both in college I chose to pursue my passion of holistic health. So each year is different and each year has bounty and challenges. droughts tax the vines so they do not produce as much but they can become stronger and grow deeper roots. challenging years in my life have taught me valuable lessons and survival skills even though it felt awful while going through the process.

There are times when I need to rest and rejuvenate,just like when the vine goes dormant in winter. It is storing up energy and getting ready for the spring and summer to come. People need that time too only on a daily basis, not seasonal. Do you think you are like a grapevine? Do you feel like you are in full bloom or just starting to emerge and grow? Do you have balance in life between growing and working and then going dormant to rest and rejuvenate? Have you experienced challenges inyour life that made you stronger? I would love to hear your thoughts and stories.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.