Thieves CleanerA clean and healing home with medicinal aromatherapy is important for your emotional and physical health.  Are you aware that most household cleaners and personal care products contain chemicals that are hormone disruptors, irritants and carcinogenic?  Endocrine (hormone) disruptors are chemicals that may interfere with the body’s endocrine system. These disruptors can induce the body to make too much or not enough of a hormone; turn something on when it should be off or vice versa.   This can contribute to depression, moodiness, headaches, asthma and adversely affect your immune and neurological systems.

Phthalates (banned in Europe), parabens (banned in Japan and Sweden) and Triclosan are known endocrine disruptors yet they are found in many household cleaners, cosmetics, lotions, shampoos and soaps.  Fragrance is a term used by manufacturers so they don’t have to disclose the ingredients – called trade secret.  This can contain any of the above chemical compounds so avoid it when possible. Protect yourself and your family by reading labels and avoiding products that contain triclosan or have ingredients ending with phthalate or paraben.  What is the alternative?

I use Thieves household cleaner to disinfect and clean my home.  It is 100% plant and mineral based, is non-toxic, made with essential oils, biodegradable and kills germs, viruses and mold.  It has a great scent as well!  This cleaner contains the essential oils of clove, cinnamon bark, lemon, eucalyptus radiate and rosemary.  All of these oils are known for their antimicrobial effects.

Curious about the name Thieves?  There was a band of thieves who were robbing the dead and dying during the plague of the 15th century and never contracted the disease.  When apprehended the court learned they used oils and herbs to protect themselves.  The thieves told the court the formula in exchange for leniency.  The cleaner is patterned after this formula.  I feel confident that it can protect my home and family against various germs and viruses.

When I use to use regular cleaners my asthma would flare-up.  I would start to cough while cleaning and have to go outside for a few minutes before continuing.  Sometimes I would develop a headache. When I switched to “green” cleaners that helped but did not completely resolve the issue.  Now I can clean the entire house without coughing or feeling irritated.  The scent is up-lifting to me and lemon oil actually boosts my natural immune system so I am getting healthier while cleaning!

If you don’t like the smell of clove or cinnamon you can make an effective natural cleaner by mixing 2 tablespoons white vinegar, 1 teaspoon Borax and 10 drops of lemon, lavender or Eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle, mix vigorously until Borax is completely dissolved.  Then apply where ever needed.

We can’t eliminate chemicals from our lives but reducing them or replacing them with natural, healthy substances can help us feel better emotionally and physically.  If you want to know how to get the cleaner or essential oils contact me by email or phone 510 381-3191.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain.  She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.