Huck (2)How did adopting a dog really rescue my daughter? She had graduated from college and moved back home but was not sure what type of work she really wanted to do. She had taken a couple of lower paying jobs just to make some money and figure it out. She was feeling down and losing motivation. It was hard for me to see her like that since she normally was bubbly and enthusiastic. She was really lost in her search for a career.

I had mentioned a few months earlier that I was considering getting another dog. Our previous dog had passed away 3 years ago. She had grown up with a dog in the house and really liked animals. One day she said, “You talk about getting another dog but you’re not going to do it so just say that. I am fine with not getting another dog if I know that is what is going to happen.” The way she said it made me think that getting a dog would be good for her. It would give her something to focus on other than herself and hopefully lift her spirits.

We went to the animal shelter, saw Huck, spent some time with him and decided to make him part of the family. It only took one day to see that what the people at the shelter told us about his personality/behavior and how he really was when “out of jail” was VERY DIFFERENT! He was high energy, not a lay around dog. He thrived on attention but had no training. He had not been socialized with other dogs and all he wanted to do was play even if the other dog did not. We needed some help managing his energy and behavior so we hired a dog trainer.

Here is where the magic happened. Paula was the lead person in Huck’s training. Her and the dog trainer, Stacy, bonded. Paula started working for her so she could see if working with animals might be what she really wanted to do and her degree was in that area. She also got a job at a doggie day care and boarding facility. She was motivated again, energetic and learning new things.

After doing this for about 9 months she decided she liked working with dogs but did not want to do that as a career. She had a different dream which she achieved but that will be in a future blog. My point to this story is that we sometimes get discouraged and lost trying to figure out what we really want., whether it is a job, relationship, or career change.   Without support and motivation sadness can take over and paralyze us. Then something unexpected can happen to change your perspective or motivate you such as getting a pet, connecting with someone new or re-connecting with an old friend. Have you had such an experience? I thought I had rescued a dog but adopting the dog really rescued my daughter.