FatiguedYou can beat afternoon mental fatigue and lethargy with medicinal aromatherapy. Do you ever find it difficult to concentrate, keep motivated or perhaps just stay awake after eating lunch? Many people turn to caffeine in coffee or to soda or energy drinks that have caffeine and lots of sugar. These options work for a short time but because after the initial “rush” you get a sugar crash which is very unhealthy for your body and mind. The high sugar content also contributes to obesity.   Also some people are sensitive to caffeine and it causes elevated blood pressure and a fast heart rate. If this is you, limiting your caffeine intake would be advisable.

An alternative that does not spike your blood sugar and has 0 calories is essential oils! Peppermint is one oil that is good to stimulate the mind and improve your accuracy. A study at University of Cincinnati found that inhaling peppermint increased mental accuracy by 28%. I have used this oil many times to help keep me alert after having a large lunch. I was at an all-day conference and for lunch went to a restaurant that was famous for its hamburgers. After eating a large burger and fries I was ready for a NAP. I even walked around the outside of the building but that did not energize me. I inhaled the oil from the bottle and I immediately perked up. That feeling lasted only a few minutes however. So I then placed some on my wrists so I could continue to breathe it in during the upcoming lecture. I also placed one drop on my tongue. This REALLY woke me up! I was able to make it through the rest of the afternoon without dozing off even though I was sitting and listening to lectures. Remember I only use medicinal grade oils, that is why I can take it internally. If you don’t know what that means read my blog 3 tips to determine if you EO is therapeutic or perfume grade.   DO NOT diffuse this oil for more than 10 minutes at a time because the menthol can cause eye irritation.

Rosemary is another oil that helps overcome mental fatigue and improves clarity and focus. Scientists at the University of Miami found that inhaling rosemary boosted alertness, eased anxiety and increased analytic and mental ability. This would be great to diffuse in a home or office setting. You can also apply it topically.

You can beat afternoon mental fatigue and lethargy with medicinal aromatherapy. There are other oils that can also help with this. If you want to find the oil that resonates your body contact me.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental, and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.