book the plan  Let’s look at ways to control inflammation naturally to prevent disease at the root cause. First manage your stress. We need some stress in our lives to motivate us but constant, high levels of stress causes chemical changes that adversely affect our body and mind. I know because I suffered with a stress pattern for almost 20 years before I learned how to manage it with holistic therapies. I use aromatherapy, meditation, healing touch and guided imagery to manage my stress and have more energy.

Exercise regularly to keep inflammation, chronic pain and your waist line down. So many people spend 8 or more hours sitting at work or at home. Our bodies were meant to move, our joints need to be put through the motions to maintain flexibility and prevent inflammation. If you have arthritis or other medical condition it should be gentle movement like yoga or Tia Chi to maintain your range of motion.  You don’t have to be a runner to get exercise, walking the dog or going for a stroll at whatever pace works for you is better than nothing.

Eat a healthy diet which means avoid refined sugar, simple carbohydrates, fried foods, trans-fats and foods that cause inflammation in you. The foods that cause inflammation vary from person to person because everyone’s chemistry is different. Many friends had told me about a book titled “The Plan” by Lyn-Genet Recitas. They told me it was based on the premise that trigger foods cause chemical reactions that lead to inflammation and weight gain.

When I noticed some arthritis showing up in one of my fingers I wanted to decrease the inflammation. Using my oils helped but I noticed that some days it was worse and other days better even when I used the same oil. I purchased the book because I wanted to learn about inflammatory foods and losing a few pounds wouldn’t hurt me either. While I was on the Plan my finger inflammation resolved and did not return, I also lost 5 pounds. By following the plan and introducing foods one by one to see if I developed inflammation which was tracked by checking my weight every morning I learned whitefish is good for me but scallops and crab actually cause inflammation in me! Now this does not mean that I will never eat them because they are delicious but I will eat them less often and eat non-inflammatory foods for a couple of days before and after to allow my body to come back into balance. This is truly a lifestyle change about how I eat. It is not a diet.

If your experiencing pain related to an inflammatory disease or know your stress level is constantly high and want to manage it better let’s talk. Contact me today, it is never too soon to start a healthier life.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.