NO TRUTH-whiteIt was 25 years later when I was finally able to let go of the devastation of getting fired from my first RN job. This trauma affected how I behaved at work and at home for years.  On paper I left the hospital but actually what happened is I was fired without cause. At the age of 24 I had spoken up to administration when I felt poor decisions had been made. I was working in a small community hospital. I was young and not versed in how to be politically correct at the time. I spoke my mind. I did not see my actions as a threat but unfortunately they were taken as a threat.

I had returned to college full-time for my BSN and I was working per-diem (on-call) at the hospital.  The administrator had no grounds to fire me because my work was good. His response was to tell the nursing supervisors not to call me for work even when they needed me! I went from working 2 – 3 days per week to zero. I was DEVASTATED at first. How could I lose my first job after just 3 short years!

I did find another hospital job quickly. However that situation taught me I should not speak my mind, at least not bluntly. It was an emotional scar I carried for many years. I was afraid to truly express myself in the work environment again, whether it was with doctors or administration. When I felt decisions were being made without adequate input from staff I would tip toe around the issue (sometimes never getting my point across) or just chose not to say anything and live with it.

If I had known how to clear that traumatic event from my body and soul back then I would have been a stronger patient and nurse advocate. It was not until I started using holistic therapies that I fully processed this incident and was able to let it go. Now I am able and confident in speaking my truth in a compassionate yet clear and effective way to clients, physicians, family members and anyone!

Are you holding on to some traumatic event that is affecting your life? Many times physical pain is actually a symptom of holding onto negative emotions or past traumas. I can help you clear these in in a safe, gentle manner in step 3 of my 5 step system. Email or call 510 381-3191 today for a free consultation. As you can see from my story, it is never too late clear trauma and be a healthier, happier You!

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Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.