Are you aware there is a difference healing and curing? First let’s look at the dictionary definition of both. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary heal is to make sound or whole, to restore to health. Cure is recovery or relief from a disease, to stop (a disease) by using drugs or other medical treatments. Western medicine focuses on curing by giving medications, doing procedures and surgeries. The patient is very passive in that things are done to them. Take breast cancer for example, you may have all or part of your breast removed, then have chemo or radiation therapy and if the cancer does not return in 5 years you are considered cured. However you may be left feeling very different about yourself and your life. You would experience many different emotions during the treatment and after it is completed. The emotional and spiritual aspect of the person is not integrated into the care. It is about getting rid of the cancer. Also normally you do not receive any education about how to help keep yourself physically and mentally healthy. Many times people continue to feel anxious or less then whole after cancer therapies.
Now let’s look at the same scenario from a healing prospective. Healing is an integrative process where the client is an active participant in order to obtain wellness. Your emotions affect your physical body so I work with clients to help them feel empowered, calm and hopeful regarding the illness, treatments and any surgeries. Imagining the chemotherapy as healing and interacting only with the cancer cells or transforming the cancer into something positive that actually helps the person, this assists in decreasing side effects and improving quality of life during treatment. I help you tap into your inner strengths that you may have forgotten about using guided imagery. Healing touch would allow you to clear negative energy, toxins and feel calm and relaxed. Aromatherapy would help boost your immune system to assist in fighting the cancer and help uplift your spirits. You would engage your mind and body in activates at home such as yoga, imagery and other self-care techniques. You would learn about methods to manage personal relationships, stress and how to use your mind and emotions to promote healing. Integrating therapies that address your mind and spirit while undergoing western medicine treatments helps to restore wholeness to the person. This oneness makes surgeries and treatments less scary, brings in more joy and peace and helps the body to heal itself. Your quality of life is better.
This premise can be applied to any disease state. I have worked with clients with arthritis, asthma, stress, cancer, sleep problems, high blood pressure, and other disease states to help their mind, body and spirit to come back to wholeness. This improved their health and life not just in that moment but for the future as well. Cure is good, to heal is magnificent. What do you need to heal?
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Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.