imagesI tell my clients, “Don’t try to convince others that holistic therapies work. “ Why? Because convincing can lead to tension between the two parties and who wants that? I suggest clients share their experience and success stories with the family member or friend which puts it into an understandable reference. Then when that person is sick and tired of the pain or the medications are no longer working or they don’t want to start on medications for their physical or emotional pain that is when they will be ready to talk with me. You see the person has to be ready to be helped and have an open mind for any therapy to be effective.

I first learned this on a very personal level with my husband Nick. He was very supportive in many ways yet he did not really understand what I was doing or how it could help people. He is a pharmacist. We have had some very interesting conversations through the years. Sometimes the conversations were productive and stretched both of us, other times I would feel sad or angry that he didn’t feel the way I did about holistic therapies

When I finally released the idea that he had to understand and agree with my way of thinking things started to shift. I just did my work and felt gratified by the positive results people were getting. Friends and family would tell Nick how much better they felt after working with me. He watched my daughters and me use aromatherapy and saw with his own eyes that we were rarely sick and how it helped relieve muscle soreness and minor ailments. He started to ask me questions.

Then one day he actually asked me to work on him. He had a particularly stressful 2 weeks at work and couldn’t relax. After the treatment he said he felt better and he slept better that night. Now he uses aromatherapy to boost his immune system and for minor health issues. He understands why I am so passionate about holistic medicine and knows that it can be very effective. We don’t agree on everything about health and wellness but I feel we appreciate one another and our talents more.

If you know of someone that you feel could benefit from working with me don’t try to explain how the therapy works simply share your story. If you don’t have a personal story share one about someone else then ask them to have a conversation with me or send them to my website They will get an idea about how I work and if I feel we are a good match I will invite them to work with me. I am a good listener and will not try to convince them of anything!

As an energy worker, I believe there should be some sort of exchange between people so this content is not for free. If you found it valuable, in exchange for payment, I ask that you do one or all of the following: 1) Share it with at least 2 people on Facebook, via email or any social media of your choice.   2) Answer the question or leave a comment.

Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.