Grandma GThere are several ways to help ease arthritis pain naturally. Both my mom and grandma had rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. The picture is my grandma at age 89. I wish I had known about essential oils back then! I have some osteoarthritis in my hands as well. Fortunately for me it flares-up only occasionally and I do not need medications to manage it because I use these techniques and watch my diet.

It is important to continue to use the joints and stretch them out in order to decrease pain and maintain range of motion. Pain causes muscles to contract which decreases circulation and causes stiffness. By staying active and using the joints you bring more circulation to the area and bath the joint in the synovial fluid. This helps to maintain range of motion and decrease pain. My grandma’s hands were very deformed but she still cooked and did as much as possible for herself.

Essential oils can help increase circulation, decrease swelling and detoxify muscle tissues.  They can also relax muscles all of which can help increase range of motion and nourish your joints. If many joints are affected you can use oil blends (most companies have their own blends)  or work with an aromatherapist to make up a special recipe for your body. That is what I do when I work with clients one-on-one.  One client I worked with was legally blind and used a walker to get around. She had bad arthritis in her knees. I set her up with a pump top on the oil blend and she applied it 3 – 4 times a day. She told me she was able to cut back on her pain medication and that her knees felt more stable when using the oil.

I have also noticed clients that can recruit others to apply the oils using gentle massage get an increased effect.   I believe this is because human touch can be very healing when given by someone that is compassionate and caring. The gentle strokes also help improve circulation and the 1:1 attention makes people feel special, seen and heard. All of this leads to the release of …… You guessed it endorphins – the feel-good hormones!

When I work on myself or with clients I test to see what oil or oil blend the body wants. Marjoram, basil, wintergreen, lavender and clove are just some of the potential oils that can help. Using a blend has a synergistic effect and addresses multiple aspects of the issue.  I have had a few flare-ups of osteoarthritis in a couple of my fingers. I use essential oils to help decrease the swelling and stiffness and to reduce pain. I would like to help you find the appropriate oil for your pain. Call me at 510 381-3191 or email

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Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.