7 CHAKRASChakras are a part of your energy system and a reflection on your health. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that literally means “wheel of light.” You have 7 major chakras that lie just in front of your spine. Each one has a corresponding color, sound, body area, gland(s) and a purpose. Knowing which chakra(s) are congested can help you to discover the root cause of your issue. Allowing them to open and energy to flow freely can help alleviate all forms of pain.

The list below is very basic but a good start to understanding how chakras are connected to your physical body, feelings and emotions.





Chakra  Location Color  Body Areas  Purpose
7 Crown Top of head Violet to white Upper brain, top of head Connection to the Devine.
6 Brow Between the eyebrows Indigo Middle & lower brain, face Intuition, clarity
5 Throat Center and base of throat Blue Jaw, neck, shoulders, Expression, Truth,Creativity
4 Heart Base of breastbone Green Circulatory system, arms, hands, lungs Transformer (bridge between physical and spiritual), Love
3 Solar        Plexus Just Below sternum, in V rib cage   Yellow Stomach, liver,  pancreas , mid-spine Self-esteem, mental aspects, power,
2 Sacral 2 – 3 finger breaths below naval Orange Reproductive/sexual organs, hips, low back Emotional aspects, relationships
1 Root Base of spine Red Legs, feet, Physical aspects, survival, grounding,

A client came to me because she was stressed, experiencing frequent headaches and wanting assistance in moving through the grief process due to a recent death in the family. She had been very close to this person. When I assessed her chakras all seven were very congested. I applied an essential oil to her heart chakra and neck. I preformed healing touch on her. At the end of the session all of her chakras were open and flowing. She told me, “It felt like sunshine on my brain.” She said she felt calmer, grounded and had even fallen asleep for part of the time. I gave her the essential oil to use at home twice a day.

We continued to work together for a total of 3 visits. At the end she said her emotional roller coaster had greatly improved, her stress level was lower and her headaches were less frequent. More chakras were open at the beginning of the last session which meant we were creating new, positive, lasting patterns in her energy system.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.