My aura

My aura

Your energy system and your health are intricately connected. Research tells us that changes occur in the energy field (aura) before physical symptoms or diseases appear. Keeping your energy field clear and your chakras open contributes to a healthy body, mind and spirit.

The aura is an electromagnetic field that is created by the spinning of the chakras. If you missed the overview of the energy system go to It radiates out from the body about 2-4 feet and is egg shaped. Have you ever felt another person approaching you without seeing or hearing them first? Your energy field is sensing them before your 5 senses can.

The aura has 7 layers (also called subtle bodies or levels) and each corresponds to one of the 7 major chakras. All layers interact and overlap with each other to some degree.

The aura is dynamic and changes depending upon your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state. It also stores every thought and emotion we experience throughout life. When we do not process or work through our emotions the auric field becomes clogged which leads to illness. For example if you were involved in a car accident which resulted in injuries that would affect your etheric and emotional layers. If you could not process the event emotionally and held on to feelings of fear and anger then your aura would start to clog-up. If it continued for some time you might develop headaches or not heal properly. Healing touch and essential oils can help you to process and release these negative emotions and clear your aura to restore balance and health.

Many people are able to assess the aura using their hands. A healthy, open field is even all around the body and feels smooth, calm and light. Any other feelings are a disturbance in the field. I feel heat, cold, tingling, thickness, stagnation, weakness or a sharp sensation when there is an imbalance in the auric field.

One day a client came to me feeling very stressed, angry and frustrated with her job.   When I assessed her field it was very tingly and all around her head was very hot. When I started to clear her field it was like dragging my fingers through quicksand. At the end of the session the heat around her head was gone and the tingling sensation was very mild. My client said she felt lighter, relaxed and energized. Her face was brighter and she was more animated.

Your energy field is an important part of your physical and mental health. If you’re experiencing overwhelm or other physical or emotional pain I would love to talk with you.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.