In these uncertain times, we must stay cautious and vigilant but it is crucial we do not panic.  Fear affects our decision-making ability, decreases the immune system and can overwhelm and paralyze some people.  We will need to adapt and be able to flow with the ever-changing recommendations that come our way to control the Coronavirus. 

Prevention is key, following the CDC guidelines is crucial but does not address the whole person, body, mind, and spirit.  Below are approaches and techniques that can enhance your immune system using your body, and mind.   


1.Diffuse or directly inhale essential oils with anti-viral properties and/or oils that support your respiratory system. This is a partial list of oils with these properties.   Anti-viral oils:  Sage (Salvia officinalis), Thyme, Myrrh, Tea tree, Niaouli, Clove. Respiratory support oils:  All Eucalyptus oils, Ravintsara, Green myrtle. 

Inhalation is the fastest and easiest way to administer the oils.  You can diffuse one or more of the oils in a diffuser, smell it directly from the bottle, place a few drops on a cotton ball or Kleenex and give one to each member of the family to smell several times a day or create a personal aroma inhaler (available on Amazon, search under essential oil inhaler tubes with wicks). 

After some research, I have created an anti-viral & respiratory blend to support my family during this time.  I want to share it with all of you.  Please understand there has been no testing to see if these oils or blend decreases or stops the growth of this specific coronavirus.  I created a blend that covers a variety of known viruses, bacteria and that support your respiratory system in general. 

Anti-viral and Respiratory Support blend

Combine the following in a 15 ml glass bottle: 

3 ml Eucalyptus  radiata,  3 ml Ravintsara,  3 ml Spruce or Balsam fir, 2 ml Eucalyptus globulus,  2 ml Tea tree,  1ml Sage,  1 ml Thyme, 2 drops clove, 5-6 drops peppermint

You can diffuse this in your home so everyone in the room receives the benefits.  If you are new to essential oils I would start by diffusing for 30 minutes 3-4 times a day.  If you use oils, you can diffuse for 1 hour 2-3 times a day. 

Another option is to create a personal inhaler.  I use this before and after going to the grocery store or out for a walk. You can use it several times a day if you don’t have a diffuser.   

2. Exercise/body movement because it helps your lymphatic system.  Your lymphatic system plays a key role in the immune system, it produces white blood cells and removes toxins and debris from your cells.  However, unlike blood, the lymphatic fluid is not pumped but squeezed through the vessels when we use our muscles. You don’t have to do an intense workout just walking, dancing, yoga or other activity for 15 minutes helps keep this system functioning at its best.  

3. Sleep 7-9 hours per night. This is when your body repairs and rejuvenates itself.

4. Eat nutritious foods. You know the saying, “garbage in – garbage out’.  If you don’t give your body what it needs it can’t take care of you.  Avoid large amounts of sugar, bacteria, and viruses thrive on it.  Eat more vegetables, moderate amounts of fruit and don’t binge on carbohydrates.


1. Decrease stress and fear because it suppresses your immune system.  Meditation, even just 5 minutes a day can help.  Click here for a 5-minute breath meditation.  Perform an activity you enjoy and just be in the present moment with it.  For example, garden, crochet, make models, do jigsaw puzzles, play or make music.  The main point is to focus on the activity and stop the mind chatter of “what if”.  This will help to strengthen your immune system.  

2. Practice gratitude, daily find 3 things you are grateful for.This decreases stress and studies suggest optimistic feelings fortify the immune system.  To learn more about how gratitude affects your health and well-being  click here. 

3. Receive a distance Healing Touch session.  This energy therapy supports and facilitates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and self-healing.  It produces a profound sense of relaxation which promotes the production of endorphins (feel-good hormones) that help uplift your spirits.  Remember stress decreases your immune system so relaxation enhances it.  It also helps you to process, release, and clear thoughts and emotions (such as anxiety and fear) that are not serving you. 

During this time of social distancing, the safest thing to do is receive a session in the comfort of your own home and the practitioner in their home.   Energy has no boundaries, I have performed distance/remote sessions with clients in New York, Arizona, even Austria from my home in Calif and had wonderful results.  Think of it like radio waves going out and sending information to every home that is tuned in, only now it is sending energy to a specific person. 

I encourage you to schedule a healing touch session at least once a month during these uncertain times.  The session may be with me, another practitioner or you can do an exchange with a classmate if you have taken a healing touch class in the past.    

If you have questions about what a distance session consists of or want to schedule an appointment please contact me: or phone: 510 381-3191.

4. Maintain social ties but in a new way.   We are social beings so isolation can lead to depression and/or anxiety which depresses the immune system.  Stay connected with family and friends with telephone or video calls. I love video calls because I enjoy seeing the other person plus facial expressions and hand gestures add to the conversation. 

If you and a friend have no symptoms and the weather is nice you might consider meeting outdoors, staying at least 6 feet apart for a short visit. 

I hope you find these tips useful.  If you have any questions or just want to share a story with me I would love to hear from you.  Stay calm, carry on and be healthy!