pic 9-24 blogFor many years my grandparents lived in a home that was actually a remodeled chicken coop.  The whole area had been farmland with chickens, horses, crops, everything.  The owners still lived in the main farmhouse and continued to farm some of the land. The chicken coop had been converted to a cottage and my grandparents rented it.   The ceiling on one side of the house was lower than the other side.  The lower side of the ceiling had rectangular windows in it to let the light in naturally.  I loved the windows up in the ceiling that you could open and close with a stick.  It was very unique to me.  These were original, functioning skylights!

When you entered through the front door you were in the kitchen which had been added on.  This room had a higher ceiling and no ceiling windows.  You walked through a doorway into a long room,   dining room on one side and bathroom and walk in storage closet on the other side.  The dining room also had a piano in it.  I remember having many Christmas dinners in the dining room and during the summer the table was used for crossword puzzles and sitting around to play family card games.

The next room was the living room.  Sometimes when I spent the night I would sleep on the sofa bed.  I liked to look out the ceiling windows and see the stars at night.  I liked the natural light of the moon coming in too.  However thunder and lightning storms were very scary to me because you could see the flash and I thought the windows would break from the thunder!

At the end of the house was the bedroom. There were no window coverings on the ceiling windows so when the sun came up the room was bright and sunny.  I liked this; it helped me to get up and moving in the morning.  My grandfather however did shift work.  When he was on the midnight shift and had to sleep during the day it was difficult with so much light.

That was their small, cozy cottage that they rented for at least 10 years.  It was unique, just the right size for them, inexpensive and I liked it.  They stayed there until the owner/landlord died.  I have many fond memories of my grandparents in that cottage.  It also helped me to realize that just because something is made for one purpose doesn’t mean you can’t use your imagination and repurpose it.  Thinking outside the box can save money, resources and create great memories.  Have you seen or experienced something that had been repurposed that made you smile or feel good?  I would love to hear about it.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain.  She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.