Free Your Mind From Internal Chatter

The self-mind clearing technique is used:

  • to reduce stress

  • to focus or quiet the mind

  • to promote relaxation and calm the nervous system

  • as a stress headache relief technique

  • to support students who are studying or preparing for an exam  If you are short on time, do positions 2, 5, and 7. 

If you are short on time, do positions 2, 5 and 7.


Create an Amazing Energy Flow to Thrive

The self chakra connection is a wonderful full body technique that connects, opens and balances your energy system.   This enhances your energy flow to promote health and well-being on physical, mental and emotional levels.  

Below are 2 variations of the technique.  A third variation is to only do the 7 major chakras up the center of the body.  

Reduce Pain in Minutes

Remember to spend an equal amount of time “draining” and then “filling” the area.

                                                            Pain Drain Technique

The left hand is used as the receiver of energy and the right hand as the sender.  Relief of discomfort often occurs in 3-5 minutes, but can take longer.  This method can be repeated as often as necessary.

  1. Place the left hand on or over the area that hurts or feels congested. Hold the right hand downward and away from the body.  This siphons the energy from the body and out through the right hand.  You may feel the energy move from the left hand, up the arm, across the shoulders to the right arm, and exit out the right hand.  Hold this position until the movement or sensation of pulling stops, or you experience relief.
  2. Reverse the hands, placing the right hand over the area of concern and holding the left palm upward, preferably at a higher level than the right hand (if possible), even reaching above the head. Invite healing energy from the universal field to flow in through the left hand and arm, through the heart, and into the right arm and hand, then into the painful or problematic area.  The second part of the method allows the void that occurred from the initial “draining” action to fill with healing light.
  3. If you are unable to place your hand directly on the area of discomfort because you can’t reach it on yourself or another person or there is an open wound just imagine your hand over that area and continue with the technique. For example, if you are experiencing back pain you can access the painful area through the front of your body extending the energy from your palm chakra with intention into the specific back area you can’t easily touch.  Intention is very important in energy work!

Questions?  Contact Laurie 510 381-3191 or