Unresolved emotions can result in physical pain, poor self-confidence and self-image, adversely affect relationships  and contribute to health issues.  Healing touch is a gentle, effective therapy that can help you release buried emotions and resolve other emotional issues.

Allow me to share one client’s story with you.  A woman came to me 6 years after having a bilateral mastectomy with complications resulting in other on-going health issues.  Since the surgery her chest always felt tight, constricted due to scar tissue.  She said she had never felt the same about her body or herself even though her husband and family were supportive and loving.  Emotionally she experienced extreme ups and downs and wanted to get on more of an even keel.

The first 3 sessions she cried when I worked on her torso.  Crying is a type of release and processing, it is a healthy outlet.  After the tears she took some deep breaths and I could see her entire body relax, frequently she fell asleep.  During the sessions I felt like I was clearing away old, thick energy and could feel shifts in her energy field.  At the end of each session she said she felt lighter and very relaxed.  On the 3rd session she said she felt more connected to her body then she had in a long time.

A visit to her physician before our 4th session caused some fear, anxiety and sleeplessness.  She requested we work on finding clarity, she wanted to tap into her intuition and release the fear.  Each session I continued to clear and balance her energy field.  Every session I could see her relaxing deeply on the table and I felt shifts in her energy field.  I gave her various techniques she could do at home to keep her energy open and flowing.  She already meditated so I suggested she visualize her life taking the medication and then not taking it.

After 8 sessions she stated she was sleeping much better, her emotions were more modulated, she felt reassured and like her body was her friend again.  She had more self-confidence and had made her decision about the treatment regimen.

By allowing her the safe space to release emotions that no longer served her, she was able to process them which allowed her energy to flow bringing balance to her energy system.  This resulted in the positive outcomes she experienced.  The techniques she learned will benefit her the rest of her life if she chooses to use them.

If you would like some help with an emotional issue let’s have a chat.  Contact me via email, phone or website:  laurie@mindandbodymethod.com or call 510 381-3191, www.mindandbodymethod.com