I was fondly remembering my hot air balloon ride in Colorado. How we went up into the sky and how beautiful and peaceful everything looked from way up there. The rocky mountains on one side, lakes and farmland below. The sky was a little hazy due to wildfires from Arizona.
The “captain” as I called him, did a touch and go on one of the lakes. He took the balloon down and just touched the lake and then we soared back up. The conditions must be just right to do that. It is a strange feeling to be at the mercy of the winds – something you can’t see or really predict. The captain must be ready to take action if a gust of wind comes along or the winds take us on a course he had not intended.
When it was time to land he told us we would have to do a bump and hop and to bend our knees and hold on. As we descended I saw a lake with a rocky shore and a street next to it. I thought for sure we were going to land at least partially in the lake! However the captain skillfully hit the rocky shore and the basket did bump and then hop up higher and a couple of times until we were on the street.
We couldn’t deflate the balloon on the street so the chaser truck with some helpers had to move the balloon and basket across the street and down a short distance to an open meadow. Many of the passengers got out to make it lighter but a few had to stay in to help keep the basket from floating away. It was a team effort to move this huge balloon and basket. There were 6-8 men on the ground and 3 of us in the basket and the captain had to give it enough gas to make it light enough for the men to move but not enough to have us fly away. When we got to the right spot the gas was turned off, the basket tipped over and we sat on the balloon to help expel the gas. Then the crew rolled it all up!!
This experience is a lot like life and our health. We have our ups and downs. Sometimes we need help from friends or professionals to get us through a rough spot. We cannot control everything in our lives just like we can’t control the wind. Events may push or pull us off our intended course like the death of a loved one, divorce or losing a job. However we can still come out with a positive result such as a lesson learned or insight into ourselves or someone else. Sometimes we can navigate on our own and sometimes it takes a team for us to reach a goal or to stay healthy. I do not always like the downs but I know I will go up again and that is what keeps life interesting.
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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine,as a holistic healer, she keepsher RN certification current because she understand the power of balance as we heal.
Dear Laurie,
That really sound like a wonderful ride. You are right about comparing it to life. The ups and downs, the dependency on unseen forces, required team effort. That is a beautiful comparison.