4-9 blog picMy medicinal aromatherapy first aid kit contains therapeutic grade essential oils and bandages instead of antibiotics or over the counter drugs. Medicinal aromatherapy gives you the added benefit of addressing the emotional side such as anxiety, embarrassment or anger. According to multiple resources and my experience medicinal aromatherapy is very effective in fighting infections. Many oils are highly antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and anti fungal. After all, people were treating wounds and infections long before chemical or synthetic medications were developed. I am not saying you should NEVER use antibiotics or OTC medications but I always start with the safest treatment. If signs and symptoms of an infection do develop while using the oils please seek appropriate medical attention.

Many therapeutic grade oils decrease inflammation and swelling without the side effects of upset stomach or potential ulcers like many OTC medications.For sprains and strains you still want to use ice for the first 24 – 48 hours to help reduce inflammation in addition to the oils. Pain can be eased with the oils as well.

So here is my medicinal aromatherapy first aid kit that I always travel with:

Lavender – Can apply topically to burns, sunburns, scrapes and cuts, also calming and sedative.

Peppermint – Helps relieve pain and swelling, apply topically. DO NOT apply to open wounds or broken skin. Good for helping reduce fevers. Can help reduce nausea.

Di-Gize – a blend that I love when I over indulge and feel bloated. Also good to help alleviate nausea, diarrhea and gas.

Deep Relief – this blend is great for a variety of muscle ailments including sprains, strains and when you over do a work out. Helps to reduce swelling and pain.

Purification – This blend is good for cuts, scrapes and insect bites. It also helps to repel insects.
Helichrysum – Helps to stop bleeding and bruising. If you have a bruise, applying this topically can help it to heal faster.

We were traveling in Austria and I fell in the street.I scraped my knee, elbow and hand. When we finally made it back to the room I pulled out my medicinal aromatherapy first aid kit.  I washed off the scrapes and applied Lavender oil to prevent infection. My knee was throbbing and swelling up so I applied peppermint oil to the intact skin around the scrape. Within minutes the throbbing stopped and I felt calmer. We had dinner reservations so no time for ice. I applied the oils again before bed and in the morning the swelling was gone! I was able to walk without pain. My scrapes healed within a few days. Remember you must use therapeutic/medicinal grade oils for healing. I also carry oils that are uplifting to the spirit such as citrus oils and/or flowers. A medicinal aromatherapy first aid kit is effective and fast acting. Multiple applications do not cause any serious side effects like some medications can. If you have questions please contact me.  If you have a story to share about using oils I would love to hear it!

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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to releasefears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementarymedicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.