yoda-star-wars-mentor-007Have you met your inner adviser? You know that compassionate, wise, caring image that resides in your mind and helps you make decisions for your highest good. An inner adviser can also explore and interpret pain symptoms which can lead to pain relief. Many people don’t even know they have this power in themselves. Others know it is there but don’t know how to communicate or tap into it. Interactive guided imagery℠ can help you find your adviser(s) and communicate with them so you can better understand your pain and make the best decisions for your life.

The inner adviser is helpful for deciphering the meaning of pain symptoms which can lead to pain relief, problem solving, conflict resolution and can be an inner support system (like a friend). Sometimes pain is the only way your mind and body can get your attention.   A perfect example is my experience with frozen shoulders. Doctors do not know why frozen shoulder occurs but it is common in women age 45 – 55. In 2011 my right shoulder froze and I could not lift my arm up more than 20 degrees without severe pain. This happened at a time when I was becoming unsatisfied working in the emergency room. I was tired of the very fast pace, sticking people with needles , giving medications, hospital politics, and seeing people come in with 2 pages of medications they were taking. Sometimes I knew they were sick because of all the medications they were on!

The doctor gave me the choice of having surgery or letting it heal naturally. He felt surgery was fast and effective but I chose natural healing. He said it would take about a year to heal. I was able to heal it in 6 months with physical therapy, using essential oils and healing touch but then the other shoulder froze! I wanted to know why that happened. I started talking with my inner adviser. I found out this was my mind and body’s way of getting me out of my stressful situation without me feeling guilty about leaving the emergency room. Now I could take classes that would help me build my private practice. As time went by I realized how much working in the ER was adversely affecting me emotionally and physically and that I could not return to that environment.   You know the rest of the story – I am here to serve you now! My frozen shoulders allowed me to see and feel what life outside of the hospital was like and I LOVED it. My inner adviser helped me to see my new path in life. Have you met your inner adviser yet?

As an energy worker, I believe there should be some sort of exchange between people so this content is not for free. If you found it valuable, in exchange for payment, I ask that you do one or all of the following: 1) Share it with at least 2 people on Facebook, via email or any social media of your choice.   2) Answer the question or leave a comment.

Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.