Gratitude Can Help Ease Your Pain

Gratitude can help ease your pain.  This is not a new concept but research is now starting to “show” that it works.  First the bad news, in today's world we are bombarded with so much input we don't take the time to be still and see what is working well in our life,...

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Manifest Your Dreams

Manifest Your Dreams

You can manifest your dreams; I have been doing it unconsciously for years.  My career as a nurse actually started when I was 4 or 5.  I remember telling everyone I wanted to help people and I was going to be a nurse.  Now at times I said I was also going to be an...

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Glove Anesthesia for Pain Management

Glove Anesthesia for Pain Management

I teach my clients experiencing physical pain a technique called Glove Anesthesia for pain management. This technique does not address the cause of the pain but reduces pain symptoms. This is a guided imagery technique that can help “take the edge off” so you require...

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Hike Up the Mist Trail

Hike Up the Mist Trail

Nick and I started with a good breakfast, purchased sandwiches to eat at the top of the falls and started our hike up the mist trail. This trail takes you to the top of Vernal Falls in Yosemite. It was a beautiful day, the sun was out and the temperature was rising...

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Talk to Your Pain

Have you ever tried to talk to your pain to find out what it is trying to tell you? Guided Imagery can help you have a discussion with your pain and it may reveal its purpose.  Many times clients find that the pain wants them to take better care of themselves, get out...

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Appendicitis When We Were in Italy!

On a family vacation my daughter’s boyfriend developed appendicitis when we were in Italy! The year our youngest daughter, Paula, graduated from college we took a family trip to Italy to see the sights and visit relatives. We started in Rome and then went to...

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Imagery can Reduce Anxiety and Pain Before and After Surgery

Did you know that imagery can reduce anxiety and pain before and after surgery?  That’s right, as I have stated before your thoughts affect your physical body because hormones and other chemicals are released based upon your thoughts/beliefs.  For example if you’re...

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 Before Computers Mom was my Spell Check

Before computers my Mom was my spell check. I was not very good at grammar or spelling and practically had a dictionary sewn to my hip when writing papers. All through high school and college my Mom proof read all of my papers. She was an executive secretary and had...

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Have You Met Your Inner Adviser Yet?

Have You Met Your Inner Adviser Yet?

Have you met your inner adviser? You know that compassionate, wise, caring image that resides in your mind and helps you make decisions for your highest good. An inner adviser can also explore and interpret pain symptoms which can lead to pain relief. Many people...

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Gardening Feeds Me in Many Ways

Gardening Feeds Me in Many Ways

Being out in a garden feeds me in many ways. It all started when I was a little girl about 8 years old. My grandparents had a friend that owned an organic farm back in Wisconsin. When I went to visit my grandparents they would take me there. I would dig and plant...

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Tapping into Forgotten Strengths

Tapping into Forgotten Strengths

Tapping into forgotten strengths with guided imagery can help you move out of anxiety, hopelessness, sadness and fear into calmness, courage, strength and joy.  Many times when you are feeling depressed or fearful you can’t remember what is was like to feel happy,...

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Your Mind Can be a Powerful Ally

Your Mind Can be a Powerful Ally

Are you aware that your mind can be a powerful ally in healing pain or sabotage you? Your thoughts, emotions and beliefs have a direct effect on your physical body. The majority of the time we listen to our conscious mind – that voice in our head. You know – the do...

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Helping Veterans

Helping Veterans

I have volunteered at the East Bay Stand-down for veterans twice now. This is where displaced,homeless and needy veterans and their families can come every other year and receive free health care, legal advice, clothing, dental care, meals social services, job...

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A Terrifying Call Part 2 of 2

A Terrifying Call Part 2 of 2

In part 1 of terrifying call my husband and I were informed that our daughter had broken her neck and right arm in multiple places. The next step was to hear how the neurologist thought we should proceed to stabilize the fractured neck. When we arrived at the hospital...

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Clearing Emotional Baggage

Clearing Emotional Baggage

Clearing emotional baggage with healing touch is very powerful for myself and my clients. Do you know that when you experience a traumatic event or feel angry or resentful and then “stuff it” it can affect your mind, body and spirit? Buried feelings don’t die, they...

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Healing Touch Helps Veterans and Others with PTSD

Healing Touch Helps Veterans and Others with PTSD

Healing touch helps veterans and others with PTSD to decrease the PTSD symptoms, depression and enhance their quality of life. PTSD was brought to public attention because of the military veterans however it can affect anyone – even children. PTSD can result from...

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A Terrifying Call Part 1 of 2

A Terrifying Call Part 1 of 2

It was around 11 pm and I was already asleep in bed when I received a terrifying call, “I am calling to let you know that Angela has been in an accident. The firemen and ambulance are there now. I don't know any details.” My daughter was 18 years old at the time and...

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Chronic Pain Finally Relieved

Chronic Pain Finally Relieved

My chronic pain was finally relieved after using aromatherapy and receiving healing touch for several sessions. I had an injury to the left side of my neck and upper back. After regular physical therapy my condition was improved and I was able to return to work....

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I Love my Daily Mindful Walk

I Love my Daily Mindful Walk

I love my daily mindful walk because it allows me to enjoy all the beauty around me, de-stress and be in the present moment. Our dog Huck requires 1 – 2 walks a day in order to be calm at night. When I walk him I have started to enjoy all the small things that I never...

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Get Out of Overwhelm and Stress

Get Out of Overwhelm and Stress

Healing touch can help you get out of overwhelm and stress. Stress affects your physical body with symptoms such as frequent headaches, neck or back pain, difficulty sleeping at night, digestive issues and chronic fatigue. Emotionally you may feel irritable, on edge...

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Valley of Fire Re-energized Me

Valley of Fire Re-energized Me

The Valley of Fire State Park re-energized me when I was feeling very depleted. In a 7 month period my aunt was diagnosed with cancer and had emergency surgery, my husband became ill and was off work many months and required care plus one daughter moved out of the...

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