Healing Touch Helps Those with Cancer

Healing Touch Helps Those with Cancer

Healing touch helps those with cancer in many ways. It improves the quality of their life, helps to decrease side effects of chemo and radiation, decreases anxiety, anger and depression, improves physical functioning and helps decrease pain. This is based upon what I...

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The Great Ravioli Fiasco!

The Great Ravioli Fiasco!

The great ravioli fiasco happens once or twice a year now. This is where all the men in the family and some close friends get together and make ravioli and gravy (aka sauce) all in one day. The women stay away from the kitchen for the most part with the exception of...

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Less Anxiety and Pain after Surgery with Healing Touch

Less Anxiety and Pain after Surgery with Healing Touch

Studies have shown that people experience less anxiety and pain after surgery when healing touch is administered. One study looked at anxiety and pain in patients that had bilateral total knee arthroplasty.   The findings indicated that the healing touch group’s pain...

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Adopting a Dog Really Rescued my Daughter

Adopting a Dog Really Rescued my Daughter

How did adopting a dog really rescue my daughter? She had graduated from college and moved back home but was not sure what type of work she really wanted to do. She had taken a couple of lower paying jobs just to make some money and figure it out. She was feeling down...

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Healing Touch Helps Your Body to Heal Itself

Healing Touch Helps Your Body to Heal Itself

Healing touch helps your body to heal itself which, in my opinion, is the best way to heal. Your body is always striving to be in balance or also called a state of resonance. When it is out of balance it can manifest as illness or dis-ease. It has been documented that...

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My Perspective Creates My Reality

My Perspective Creates My Reality

My perspective creates my reality because I find whatever I look for. Confused? Let me share an experience with you. There have been times when I have been upset with my husband. I am sure this probably does not happen with you and your spouse (LOL) but read on...

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Essential Oils That Aid Your Respiratory System

Essential Oils That Aid Your Respiratory System

There are many essential oils that aid your respiratory system. Nasal congestion from colds or allergies can usually be cleared using essential oils. Peppermint is one of my favorites because it also enhances your immune system helping you to fight off the cold or...

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Music Can Move the Soul

Music Can Move the Soul

Music can move the soul. I remember taking my dog Huck out for a walk on a pleasant day in the late afternoon. I found a trail along the shore that I had not taken before. The sun was low in the sky, birds splashing about in the water, a slight breeze in the air and...

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One of the Most Inspiring People in my Life

One of the Most Inspiring People in my Life

One of the most inspiring people in my life was my third grade teacher Mrs. Tillinghast.  You see she was BLIND and she was a fabulous teacher and person.  She always had control of her classroom.  Her hearing and other senses were so acute she could hear anyone...

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Clearing Out Stuff

Clearing Out Stuff

Clearing out stuff from my home can be very cathartic for me. I know after my Mom died I hung on to many things because of the memories. I felt like holding on to the “stuff” was actually helping me to show respect and love for my Mom and kept the memories alive....

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Coming back after life kicks your butt.

Coming back after life kicks your butt.

Let’s face it sometimes life gives us a barrage of challenges and it is difficult to juggle work, family and self-care. One year my husband became ill and it slowly yet constantly progressed over several months eating at him and me physically and emotionally. He was...

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A Clean and “Healing” Home With Medicinal Aromatherapy

A Clean and “Healing” Home With Medicinal Aromatherapy

A clean and healing home with medicinal aromatherapy is important for your emotional and physical health.  Are you aware that most household cleaners and personal care products contain chemicals that are hormone disruptors, irritants and carcinogenic?  Endocrine...

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I am like an old vine grapevine, are YOU?

I am like an old vine grapevine, are YOU?

I was walking through a vineyard with old vines in the spring. Some were still completely bare, others had some leaf buds and others had a combination of leaves, buds and bare spots. I thought I am like that grapevine. My life is like the seasons of the plant. I have...

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How to Relax in a Minute with Medicinal Aromatherapy

How to Relax in a Minute with Medicinal Aromatherapy

I can teach you how to relax in a minute with medicinal aromatherapy! That’s right, aromas bypass the conscious mind and go straight to the emotional store house in your brain (the amygdala). When you inhale an aroma that is associated with a positive experience that...

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Our Journeys in Life can be a Form of Pain

Our Journeys in Life can be a Form of Pain

I was meditating with a recording from Deepak Chopra and it spoke about being inspired and unstoppable. It talked about how when your heart is aligned things go smoothly and doors open. As I reflected on this I became confused. Everything I have done in my life took a...

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Medicinal Aromatherapy First Aid Kit

Medicinal Aromatherapy First Aid Kit

My medicinal aromatherapy first aid kit contains therapeutic grade essential oils and bandages instead of antibiotics or over the counter drugs. Medicinal aromatherapy gives you the added benefit of addressing the emotional side such as anxiety, embarrassment or...

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The doctors said I wouldn’t survive!

The doctors said I wouldn’t survive!

Many times throughout the year and especially on my birthday, I count my blessings and relish in the fact I am still alive-  the doctors said I wouldn't survive! You see at the age of 6 months I became ill with spinal meningitis and developed serious complications. On...

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