valley-of-fire-stateThe Valley of Fire State Park re-energized me when I was feeling very depleted. In a 7 month period my aunt was diagnosed with cancer and had emergency surgery, my husband became ill and was off work many months and required care plus one daughter moved out of the area. I was fatigued mentally and emotionally from all the ups and downs I had experienced and organizing the household. Now everyone was doing much better and it was time to replenish myself. My husband and I took a short trip to Nevada to relax in the great outdoors and recharge our batteries.

One day we did a day trip to the Valley of Fire State Park. This park’s sandstone is fiery red, limestone and other stones give it various other colors. We hiked to an area called the waves. We came to this area of large, flat, striated rocks with 3 – 4 different colors in them. One area looked like flowing rivers with curves in red, white and purple. I marveled at how nature could have layered these different rocks to make this formation. I wondered how the water could have washed everything away to create this beautiful area. I sat down and looked out. I expected the rocks to be fairly warm but they were cool. I could feel the energy coming from the rocks, it was calming, grounding and felt wonderful. I sat there for a while with the sun beating down, just soaking in the sights and the feeling. I have always told people I am part lizard and this just proved it! My husband on the other hand was seeking shade under some rocks. He is not lizard like at all!

I then turned and walked to the next small peak and looked out the opposite direction. I saw a totally different scene. On this side the rock was conglomerate and dark in color with just a few patches of the red or white rock peeking through. There was a lot more greenery on this side. You could see the valley floor from here and the small creek was dry. You could see a mountain range in the distance. Again I sat down to drink it all in. Again I felt the energy rejuvenating me, helping my mind and body come back into balance. This is something I really needed right now.

I loved the park and we did not even get to explore half of it! I want to return to see some of the red rock formations we were not able to get to. I am also curious to experience the energy again, will it be as strong if I am not depleted? No matter what the sites are awesome and enjoyable! Do you have a place that nourishes you when you feel depleted physically, mentally or emotionally? Please share your experiences with me, perhaps I can visit them one day.