As a child living in Milwaukee Wisconsin winters were a mix of fun and illness for me. I have vivid memories of building snowmen, snow horses and even a snow fort in our backyard. Our yard was very large so we had a lot of room to build things and have snowball fights. I loved “helping” my older brother and sister build snow stuff but they did not always appreciate my participation given I was only 4 – 6 years old at the time.

It would take 5 – 10 minutes just to bundle up to go out and play in the snow or walk to school! I looked like a stay puff marshmallow doll! It was warm and cozy in there – at least for a while.

Once outside I made snow angels, snowmen and what ever I could come up with. Running around in the snow that was frequently up to my waist was fun and hard work. Sometimes I would take a step, sink and be stuck! That is when having older siblings really came in handy – they would come over and get me out, usually. Eventually my feet and hands would be freezing or numb and that is when I would go inside.

Unfortunately for me my asthma did not like the cold weather. It would flare up every winter and sometimes I ended up in the hospital despite the doctor making house calls. Yes our doctor made house calls back then! We moved to Calif. when I was 7 mostly for my health and partly because my parents did not enjoy the winters back there like I did. They had to shovel our long drive way in the morning in order to drive to work. We did not have snow blowers back then!

Once we moved to Calif. my asthma improved greatly and I have not had to be hospitalized since. I was symptom free for the first 14 years we lived here!

Sometimes you need to make big changes, like moving to another area, to be healthier. Other times small changes can make a big difference like using aromatherapy, receiving energy work or making time to do something you love every day in order to nourish yourself. I help women make positive changes in their life so they can feel vibrant, happy and healthy again. Taking care of YOURSELF is a necessity, NOT a luxury and I would love to talk with you about options to do just that.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental, and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complimentary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal