heavenly lightThe chakra spread is a wonderful healing touch technique that assists people dealing with a terminal illness in many ways. First it helps to ease fear and anxiety producing a sense of peace, calm and relaxation.  If they are restless, agitated or experiencing pain it helps to relax the physical body as well.  When they are ready to leave the physical world it allows them to do so peacefully.  I have taught healing touch to hospice personnel  (chaplains, RNs and volunteers) and they  feel  it is a great adjunct to the services they offer patients.  I have instructed family members and caregivers in this technique which helps them feel like they are “doing something to help” the person.

I helped a close friend’s father when he was in the final week of life.  His condition would cause him to have hallucinations of people coming after him and he would be agitated at times.  Even in his sleep he would be grabbing at things and his feet would be moving.  These behaviors were very disturbing to the family members caring for him in his home.

Using a healing touch technique called the chakra spread I was able to calm him.  I worked on him as he sat in his recliner.  He was sleeping on and off but his body was never still.  After about 5 minutes his body relaxed, no more grabbing at things in the air.  I continued to work, after 10 minutes his face looked relaxed and peaceful.  He slept peacefully for over an hour and when he woke he was not agitated.  This state of calm lasted several hours. Each day that I did it we saw the same great results. This brought comfort to him and the family.

This technique is wonderful for ANY life transition such as having a baby, changing jobs, getting married or divorced.  It can help comfort someone that has lost a loved one or a job.  I have personally experienced the chakra spread and it takes me to a very deep place.  It is relaxing, rejuvenating and brings me clarity.  It allows me to go deep within for new insights.

I would love to share it with you or a loved one!  Are you a caregiver,  nurse or health care professional that would like to add this valuable skill to your practice?  Click here to learn about upcoming healing touch level 1 classes.  Do you know someone that is ill and would benefit from a session?  Are you going through a life transition such as caring for a sick loved one, changing jobs and want some clarity or just some deep peace?  I would love to talk with you, click here to schedule a time to chat.