tribal-drum-stock-1412034-639x979My spirit was feeling disconnected, restless, and bored. My body felt ungrounded and uncentered. I wanted to go out in nature and do something different. A friend told me about Art in Nature happening that Sunday. I went and it was amazing! There were all types of musicians, dancers, artists, comedians spread out in the redwood regional park. All of it impacted me but I found a tribal dance to be VERY cathartic and the most healing.

A group of drummers sat on a bench in a meadow. Ladies in belly dancing attire were with them and invited everyone to join them in a prayer and dance for Mother Earth. That is just what I needed! I pulled a veil out of the box and entered the meadow. A woman blew a conch shell and offered a short prayer to all 4 directions, the sky and Mother Earth. We then danced all around the meadow. The drums were beating loud and uplifted me. I HAD to move my body. I didn’t care what people thought of me, many stood on the trail and watched us dancing around. My husband chose to observe also. I moved my body in rhythm with the drums. Sometimes it sped up very fast and other times it was a moderate beat but always at a pace where you wanted to keep moving. I danced and at times engaged other women – our veils interlocking, surrounding one another and sometimes playing a game of tag with each other.

As I danced I released some stored up frustrations and doubts. I watched the purple veil as I made designs and swirled it around so free and beautiful. Women, children and a couple of men all dancing about, what a celebration it was!! I felt free and alive connected to nature and universal energy. The drums were channeling the energy to me. I danced so long and so hard I became short of breath and loved feeling my body work to sustain my dancing. Finally the song ended and the dancing stopped but my blood was rushing through my body, my mind was clear and my spirit renewed and uplifted. What a fantastic way to spend a Sunday.

What do you like to do when you feel bored, restless or disconnected from your body or spirit? I would love to hear about it. My clients find healing touch and imagery helps them to reconnect or deepen the connection to their spirit and mind and remove stored up traumas and negativity. Contact me if you want to learn more.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.