If you have been experiencing emotional ups and downs, have difficulty sustaining healthy relationships or lost your creative mojo, your sacral chakra may be in need of healing.  The sacral chakra is one of 7 major energy centers in the body that affects your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This chakra governs our love/hate relationships and feelings of pleasure/desire.  Physically it relates to reproductive organs, low back, kidney, and bladder. Our inner child, the ability to feel emotions and to create is housed here.

The Sacral chakra is located about 1 ½ inches below your naval, just in front of your spine.  The color associated with the chakra is orange and the element is water.

When the Sacral chakra is out of balance you may experience:

Excessive Energy – Mood swings, aggressiveness, over-indulgent (food, alcohol, sex, drugs), jealousy, manipulative behavior.  Deficient Energy – Depression, detachment, loneliness, low libido, distrust, guilt, loss of imagination/creativity.

Potential Physical Disorders – Reproductive issues, PMS, low back, pelvis or hip pain, bladder and kidney disorders, lower abdominal complaints.

Tips to Balance the Sacral Chakra

  1. Wear the color orange or place something orange in your home where you will see it regularly. For example orange flowers, vase, picture.
  2. Essential oils: Choose 1 or 2 of the following and inhale or apply topically 3-5 times a day.  Clary sage, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Orange, Rose.
  3. Eat orange colored foods: Carrots, honey, melons, mangos, nuts (almond, walnut), sweet potatoes.
  4. Receive healing touch treatments to relieve congestion and open, balance and connect your chakras for ultimate energy flow.
  5. Connect with water. Go for a swim in a natural body of water or pool, take a bath (you can add orange essential oil in Epsom salts if you like), sit by the sea, a lake or pool. Drink additional water.
  6. Move your body. Dance, do stretches or yoga poses that stretch the lower back or open the hip joints.

When the Sacral chakra is balanced

You feel emotionally content and in touch with your feelings. You are uninhibited in your personal relationships, trusting of others and capable of intimacy.  Your creativity is flowing.  You feel alive and vibrant!

If you would like to have a conversation about any of these or schedule a session, please contact me at laurie@mindandbodymethod.com or click here and complete the form on my website.