Do you regularly get sick during fall and winter? When I was younger with 2 small children I would get several colds every fall and winter. After I learned about holistic therapies and taking better care of myself I rarely have a cold and have not had the flu in over a decade!

There are ways to boost your immune system and fortify yourself starting now in order to prevent becoming ill later. Remember the old adage; “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” well it is still true! Some of these will be new to you while others are well known but frequently not practiced. Here are my tips:

1. To boost your immune system take 1 -2 drops of a citrus oil such as grapefruit, lemon, orange, or tangerine in a glass of water or some honey/blue agave 3-4 times a week. If you are feeling tired or like you may be coming down with something take it daily.

2. Decrease stress because it diminishes your immune system. Take time to calm your mind and relax your body at least daily to break the stress cycle. Click here to learn an energy therapy technique called self-mind clearing to promote relaxation, focus your mind or ease stress-related headaches in just a few minutes!

3. Wash your hands with plain soap (not antibacterial) and water often for 20 seconds. Antibacterial soaps do not clean any better than regular soap and 1 ingredient found in a majority of antibacterial soaps, triclosan, can actually contribute too many illnesses. Read the labels on soaps and cleansers to avoid triclosan which is a pesticide and has been shown to affect male and female hormones as well as the thyroid gland. Recent studies suggest it contributes to diabetes, obesity and heart conditions.

Hand washing is especially important after being out in public areas and handling items others that may be ill have touched such as grocery carts/baskets, tables while eating out, computer keyboards, sharing pens, after meetings or gatherings with many people, etc. If unable to find soap and water use waterless hand cleanser without triclosan.

4. Get moderate exercise cardio or resistance to promote lymphatic flow. This supports your immune system.

5. Avoid placing your hands by your nose and mouth so viruses on the skin don’t enter your body. Viruses enter your body through the nose, throat and respiratory system.

6. If someone in your household is ill disinfect areas where you spend the most time. Diffusing a citrus oil high in limonene such as lemon, grapefruit or bergamot helps prevent the spread of contagious colds/flu. You can also make a spray to wipe down counter tops, toys etc to disinfect the items.

7. Get 7-8 hours of sleep at night. Sleep is when your body repairs and rejuvenates itself.

8. Use your mind to support your immune system. Your thoughts can affect your physical health. Imagine yourself going through the fall and winter seasons staying healthy and vibrant. See yourself engaged in activities you enjoy, eating good foods and sleeping well at night. Tell yourself you have a strong immune system that protects you from colds and other illnesses.

If you are a more literal person you can imagine the white blood cells eating up viruses and harmful bacteria, keeping you healthy. For the more imaginative you could be like a wizard or goddess transforming harmful viruses/bacteria into a cute animal, something beautiful in nature or whatever you care to dream up!

If you would like personalized support in improving your immune system give me a call to discuss your needs and the possibilities.