Have you ever noticed that once you become aware of something you tend to start noticing it?

For example, if you decide you want to purchase a yellow VW car you suddenly start noticing those cars everywhere you go.

Once I became aware of energy fields I started to tune in or notice these fields when out in nature or around people. Remember we are all connected to each other, the planet, the past and the future by energy.

During one of my trips to Hawaii, I walked into a petroglyph area on The Big Island. As I turned outward toward the sea and saw dozens of stones with carvings in them I felt a wave of joy and reverence come over me. The energy in and around the area was enormous and palpable to me. As I continued to walk I found a plaque explaining the area and the petroglyphs, it was then I understood the energy I was feeling. This was my introduction to Pu’u Loa.

Pu’u Loa “Hill of long life” was and is a very sacred and religious place for many Hawaiians. Families (all the living generations) came here to carve “pukas” into the lava and place a portion of the umbilical cord of a newborn into it to ensure a long life. Other images were also carved out to represent people, travel, and stories. No wonder I felt joy, what was more joyful than the birth of a child! The reverence I felt was from the energy of the elders that had traveled here. I sat on the boardwalk for several minutes just drinking in the scene and energy. I felt peace, gratitude, and love for being there and for the people that had traveled here before me and those that would come in the future for the ceremony.

Have you ever been in a place and had a sensation come over you?

If you are religious perhaps church brings a feeling into your body and soul.
Perhaps when you are out in nature or with a group of like-minded people a wave of feeling came over you.
Next time you are out, take a moment, be still and see what, if anything, comes to you. It might be a general feeling such a peace or joy, a sensation such as chills or a word or phrase may pop into your head.

Just notice what happens for you and then give thanks for the experience.

If you feel your energy is low or feeling scattered it is time for a tune-up or some clearing give me a call at 510 381-3191 or book a session now.