,This article is my personal story about how these therapies helped me recover after my lobectomy (removal of 1 lobe of my lung) due to cancer.  If you want  to read part 1 which explains how I used  therapies before surgery to prepare my mind, body and Spirit click here.  This story covers what I did post-operatively to promote healing, decrease post-op nausea & vomiting, decrease pain, and stay positive emotionally. 

On the day of surgery, I was calmer than expected.  I have a history of severe nausea and vomiting, even with medication, for about 18 – 20 hours after surgery.  My body does not like anesthesia combined with pain medication. I arranged for a friend to do a distance Healing Touch session consisting of magnetic clearing on me 30 minutes to 1 hour after my surgery was supposed to end. My surgery was 4 1/2 hours. When I awoke in my hospital room after surgery, the pain was 8 out of 10.  I had a button to push to self-administer pain medication, but I became very nauseated whenever I used it.  I had to call the nurse for nausea medication which helped, but the pattern continued for about 9 hours.  The good news was I never vomited, and it only lasted 9 hours instead of 18 – 20 hours!  I was able to eat food by 9 pm that night; usually, I could not do that until the next day. 

I knew I would have a chest tube in place after surgery.  The tube is inserted into the chest cavity to drain fluid and air.  It is connected to a drainage system outside the body.  I had a chest tube in place and could feel it moving inside me whenever I coughed or moved.  I had never experienced anything like this before. However, by morning, I had devised ways to splint the area, so it was less painful when moving.  I used guided imagery to visualize myself being up and walking with the tube in place while experiencing only mild discomfort before surgery.  Doing that technique contributed to my ability to walk a reasonable distance in the hallway less than twenty-four hours after surgery.

While in the hospital, I did not perform Healing Touch on myself.  I did not have the energy or motivation.  Emotionally I was moderately distressed because no visitors were allowed due to COVID.  Two days before my surgery, we were told one person could visit per day, but the rules changed the day of my surgery.  I had prepared an individual inhaler with essential oils to help boost my spirits while in the hospital and found it helpful.  Watching TV was another distraction from the pain and feelings of isolation since staff only came in when called or for a shift assessment.   

The doctor removed the chest tube on the morning of day 2.  I was able to walk stairs later that morning.  I was discharged from the hospital a day earlier than anticipated by the doctor because I was doing so well!  I know that all the preparation before surgery contributed to my healing and being able to leave the hospital a full day earlier then expected.  

Once home, I used my pain medications, my body had been cut open and organs removed.  I received Healing Touch sessions every two weeks for about two months and used my essential oils.  I would diffuse Eucalyptus radiate to support my lungs and keep my airways open and clear.  After ten days, I applied a blend of lavender, Helichrysum and sesame seed oil to my incisions to promote healing and reduce scarring.  After three weeks, I started using some essential oils to help with nerve pain caused by the surgery.  I still used pain medication but less frequently when adding the oil regimen.

After four weeks, I enlisted the assistance of a functional medicine practitioner to help support my healing, work through the trauma of surgery and assist with decreasing the nerve pain so I could get off medication faster. 

My recovery went well, and after six weeks, I started working with my mentees again via zoom.  I took the time to care for myself and asked for help when I needed it.  I am so grateful for the support I received from my family, friends, healing touch community and medical professionals. 

I remain cancer-free one year, five months post-surgery and intend to stay that way. 

If you are scheduled for surgery or have recently had surgery, I encourage you to receive one or more integrative therapies that resonate with you.  Whether it is Healing Touch, aromatherapy, sound therapy, guided imagery or something else, preparing your mind, body and Spirit before and after surgery will promote healing, assist in easing pain and uplift your spirits.

Contact me if you would like to learn more, laurie@mindandbodymethod.com