ClutterClearing out stuff from my home can be very cathartic for me. I know after my Mom died I hung on to many things because of the memories. I felt like holding on to the “stuff” was actually helping me to show respect and love for my Mom and kept the memories alive. However I ended up packing up a lot of it. When I found the boxes 4 years later I didn’t have the same emotional attachment to them. So I donated them to an organization that would actually use and appreciate the items. That means more to me then hanging onto something. To have it be useful, reused and not just tossed into the garbage helps the Earth, people and me feel good.

It is the memories that matter the most to me. Things like pictures and home movies can capture emotions and really trigger memories plus a few select items. I have many of my Mom’s jewelry pieces which I wear regularly. I can sometimes feel her when I wear them. I know my Mom and I are connected and I don’t need to hang onto “stuff” to show that, it’s what is in my heart that counts. I do have a glass syrup pourer from my grandmother that she purchased at a state fair in 1901 -which I will keep. The top portion is red glass with an etching and the year 1901, the base looks to be crystal. When I was a little girl she would make huge waffles and heat up the syrup then put it in the pitcher. It felt quit elegant and fun. I am learning to let go of more stuff now and I hope my daughters can do the same. Have you been able to let go of stuff – physical or emotional? I would love to hear your story.

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