Now that it is clear COVID is an illness we must learn to live with (like the flu), it doesn’t mean you need to be miserable if you get it.  I have worked with many people that had it, and Healing Touch treatments eased their physical symptoms and uplifted their spirits.  When my family and I recently experienced the bug, treatment from a friend saved the HT class I was supposed to teach.  Allow me to share some experiences.

I have recently been working with several people that were experiencing fever & extreme fatigue from COVID.  After a treatment, most said they felt lighter, less anxious and better overall.  Some experienced this immediately, others later on in the day.  There was one person that did not feel any significant difference, but I know that many factors affect healing & that all healing is self-healing, so I am not discouraged, and you should not be either.

COVID finally caught up with me because for almost 2 weeks I was stressed with multiple deadlines, staying up late & not doing much for self-care.  My entire family came down with COVID on a Thursday, but I was negative. So, wearing a mask, I went to the grocery store to stock up in case I succumbed.  At night, I started diffusing an anti-viral/anti-bacterial essential oil blend in my bedroom. 

Saturday afternoon, I had cold symptoms, then fever, body aches & cough.  I was supposed to teach day 2 of a Level 3 class online the next day.  I started feeling very anxious because I didn’t know if I would be able to do that.  I called my friend Bear, an HTCP and asked if he could give me a session. I was so grateful he was available. The session was a distance healing, of course.

He chose to do full spectrum healing on me (Level 3 work for you HT students).  I could feel energy moving, saw many colors and felt peaceful.  In the end, my body felt lighter, and my anxiety was less, even though I wasn’t sure what tomorrow would bring.  I still had a fever and body aches, so I took a Tylenol and went to bed with the intention I would teach a great class the next day.

Surprisingly, I woke up before the alarm went off, felt energized and had no fever or body aches!  I did have a cough, but I was able to teach the class.  My energy started fading around 3 pm, and I had a low-grade fever that evening but nothing like the night before.  The healing touch treatment helped me to self-heal by supporting my immune system and promoting relaxation so my body could self-heal.  I did experience some fatigue and brain fog that lasted 2 weeks, but it was not severe.  I could concentrate on something for a couple of hours before having to take a break and then return to the task.  I never felt the need to just lie in bed.  I was not exercising, but I did do some housework and walk outside (at a slower pace than usual) for a change of scenery.  

Many people I have spoken to who experienced COVID spent several days in bed and could not think clearly or read for days or weeks due to fatigue and/or brain fog.  My husband’s fatigue was profound, and he slept 12-14 hours/per day for a week.  His “brain fog” was more severe as well.  I was not able to work on him since my health was compromised. He chose not to have another practitioner work on him and his symptoms were more severe and his recovery took longer.

I encourage anyone that tests positive for COVID to receive 1 or more healing touch treatments to promote healing so you can feel better faster!  Essential oils can also assist your body in combating the virus. 

If you have any questions or would like a session please contact me.