We all come across difficult people in our lives.  It may be a relative at a family gathering, a coworker, a stranger in a store or even a friend.  There are various types of difficult personas:

  • Debbie Downer – Always points out what is “wrong” or not up to their standard, very critical. Or focuses on the negative in life, she emphasizes sadness or shortcomings even in good or joyful stories.  May have low or intense energy vibration depending upon the situation.
  • Confrontational Curtis – His beliefs are the “right” beliefs, and you need to change your ideas to match his. Not open to listening or having a real discussion about other viewpoints.  May have very intense energy vibration.
  • Veronica Victim – Everything bad “happens to her”, she has no control over her own life. Has a low energy vibration.

The first and third type of person may be draining you of your energy.  They have a low vibration and when they come into contact with someone in a higher vibration they want to drink it in.  These are the people where you come away feeling drained, tired, sad or even depressed whenever you are around them.

The second and sometimes the first personalities may leave you feeling irritated, edgy or angry.  This is related to their energy being chaotic, out-of-balance yet intense.

Here are a few techniques that help protect your energy field so you come away feeling like yourself.

  1. Surround yourself in white light – Ideally, do this before entering a room full of people or before interacting with a difficult person.  Surround yourself in a bubble of white light that is only slightly permeable.  You are creating a protective shield around your energy field.
  2. Ground yourself (connect to the Earth’s core), set the intention to keep your energy separate.
  3. Essential oils – Oils that can help with grounding and protecting your energy field are juniper, cedarwood, pine. Oils that significantly raise your vibration and help clear your field of energy debris are frankincense, rose, neroli, and sage.
  4. Limit exposure time to these people – Limit the amount of time you spend talking and in close proximity to that person. Remember our energy fields are always interacting on the unconscious level.  They are not aware that they are draining or irritating you.  Less time around them means less energetic debris from them in your field so you can come away feeling like yourself.
  5. Deep breathing – Take 2-3 deep breaths before, during and after engaging with them. This helps you to stay grounded, centered and relaxed.  You may want to imagine or visualize bringing in Earth energy with your inhalation and breathing out any energy that is not yours.  Or if someone is speaking negatively to you imagine breathing all of that out of your space when you exhale.
  6. Clear your energy field after the event or interaction – Take a few minutes to perform magnetic passes hands in motion or magnetic clearing on yourself. These are 2 healing touch techniques you learn in a Level 1 class.  Want to learn more about healing touch?  Click Here

If you know Confrontational Curtis  “pushes your buttons”, interactive guided imagery can help change that dynamic for you.  This is more mindful than energetic and can be very effective.  I work with you to visualize the interaction in your mind’s eye and go through different scenarios.  This reconditions your response so you are not reactive to that person.

If you are sensitive to others’ energy and would like some help in learning how to navigate out in the world, let’s talk.  If you have been surrounded by difficult people and need an energy tune-up, contact me for an appointment!