Happy New Year! I and many others hope that this year will be better than last year on many fronts.  The pandemic, chaos, divisiveness of 2021 caused massive uncertainty and produced anxiety and stress throughout the US.  While these issues will not go away easily or quickly there are energetic techniques you can do for yourself to help make 2022 feel more peaceful, joyful, and stable.  Remember when your energy system is open, flowing and balanced your vibration is high and that promotes health and well-being in your body, mind and Spirit. This allows you to maintain a strong immune system, think clearly, and face challenges with compassion and calmness and discover the best resolution.  It also helps those around you if their vibration is low.

Below are various methods that support your energy system in different ways.  Read all of them, find the one(s) that appeal to you and give it a try.  You have nothing to lose and much to gain!

Keep positive thoughts and practice gratitude 

Your thoughts affect your energy system as well as you mental and physical well-being.  This does not mean you should never feel sad, angry or stressed, we all have those feelings sometimes however finding something positive in a bad situation and expressing gratitude for the good things in your life supports your energy system and mental processes. Positive affirmations are wonderful at cultivating positive thoughts.

Gratitude can be for things large or small.  You can be grateful for a sunny day, a good cup of coffee, finding a parking spot fast, avoiding a car accident, getting a new job, reconnecting with an old friend, and the list goes on.

For example, when I was diagnosed with cancer I was shocked and anxious at first.  Then I was grateful that it was discovered early and very treatable. My thoughts focused on a successful surgery and fast recovery. I spent some time reflecting on what was really important to me and refocused my energies on those areas where as before I was being pulled in many directions.  I was also grateful for all the support of my family and friends before, during and after surgery.

Healing touch to keep your energy field open and balanced

Changes show up in your energy field before you develop physical symptoms or dis-ease.  Energy can become congested for many reasons:  emotions such as fear or anger, bodily injury, traumatic events. Over time even small things like being stuck in traffic on a daily basis or listening to too much news can adversely affect your personal energy system.

The Healing Touch Level 1 class teaches some self-care techniques you can do to open and clear any congestion such as the self-chakra connection.  I work on myself regularly, however, I find receiving a session from another person at least monthly to be very beneficial.  So I encourage you to reach out to classmates and set up an exchange.

If you haven’t taken a class or just want to receive a session from a practitioner I would be honored to work with you.  Now through Feb 4th I am offering a 20% off ($112 regularly $140) for a 1 hour 15 minute session because I want everyone to start 2022 with good vibrations!   With the COVID surge all of my sessions are virtual.  Click here to schedule a session.  Contact me by phone or email if you need an evening or weekend appointment.


Are you aware every essential oil has its own vibrational frequency and that by inhaling or applying it topically you can raise your vibration?  A healthy human vibrates at 62-78 MHZ, at 58 or below illness or dis-ease can occur.  Essential oils range from 52 – 320 MHZ.  With a client’s consent, I use essential oils in my healing touch sessions because it raises both our vibrations which allows me to clear and balance the field easier.

Rose has the highest frequency at 320 MHZ and is one of the most expensive oils.  Lavender (105 MHZ) and Roman chamomile (118 MHZ) are very helpful in relieving both anxiety and stress.  Lemon, jasmine and ylang ylang assist in alleviating stress.  Bergamot, geranium and mandarin (especially good for children) help decrease anxiety.

If you want to discover what specific oils your body and energy field are craving schedule a free 30 minute consultation.

Guided Imagery

You may already know that imagery can help you heal your body, improve your mood and reach your goals but did you know it can help improve energy flow?  If you feel like you’re “stuck” in an emotion or that your energy isn’t flowing well take a few minutes to try this.

Get into a comfortable position sitting or lying down.  Take 3 deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.  Now do an internal scan and determine where you feel this emotion or where your energy is congested.  Is it in your gut, heart, arm, head or somewhere else?  What is the sensation attached to this area of congestion – tightness, thickness, solid like a brick or something else? 

Now allow an image to form in your mind’s eye that can help break-up the congestion.  Perhaps a ball of light, a colored substance, an animal or little folks with pick axes.  Whatever pops into your mind go with it.  What does this image look like?  Does it feel welcoming, fierce, supportive, strong, calming or something else?   Is it making any sound or does it have a scent associated with it?  Ask it to help you remove the congestion and allow it to answer you in some way. 

Now imagine the image is removing the congestion in whatever way it wants.  For example a light may change colors and push through the congestion or suck it up, an animal may chase it away or eat it and folks with the axes can chip away at it.  Whatever method the image uses is perfect for you.  After a few minutes or when the congestion is cleared, bring your attention back into that area and notice how you feel.  Is the tightness less or resolved, perhaps the brick is gone or the feeling of thickness has dissolved.

If the energy does not feel like it is fully flowing ask the image what you can do to help fully resolve it.  Allow it to answer you in some form.  Then thank the helpful image for coming and the work it did.  Now allow the image to fade, wiggle your toes and fingers and come back to this time and space.

I hope this has given you some new ideas or rekindled old ones that help you in 2022 and beyond.  Remember everything is energy so let’s use it to our advantage! 

If you have any questions please contact me via email:  laurie@mindandbodymethod.com