Healing Touch therapy by itself is powerful and so is aromatherapy however when you combine them in a session the results are amplified and amazing!  There are many ways you can incorporate essential oils into a healing touch session.

One method is to use oils on yourself topically or by inhalation just before a session to raise your vibration.  The higher your vibration the better conduit you are to run the energy.

By using essential oils on clients you are raising their vibration which makes it easier for you to clear debris from the field.  It also assists in balancing and reorganizing the field which is exactly what you want to do!

The easiest way to use oils on clients’ is to place them in your client’s energy field at the beginning of the session.  All you need to do is place 1-2 drops in the palm of one hand, rub hands together and do several MPHIM (magnetic passes hands in motion) through the person’s auric field (biofield).

With some education, you can apply the oils to your clients topically on chakras or on wrists and neck.

Or have them inhale oils one of 3 ways:

1)  Inhale directly from the bottle

2)  Place 1-2 drops in your hands and have them take 3-4 deep breaths at the beginning of the session then run your hands through their energy field

3) Place 1-2 drops in the palm of their hand, rub hands together then cup hands over nose and mouth and take several deep breaths.

Below is a partial list of oils for various emotional responses:

Calming Energizing/Uplifting Balancing (for mood swings, emotional imbalance)
Lavender Basil Clary Sage
Marjoram (sweet) Grapefruit Geranium
Neroli Peppermint Ylang ylang


Use oils when working on yourself for maximum benefit.  See what oils you are drawn too, experiment and have fun with it.  If you have a chronic health condition it is best to work with an Aromatherapist because some medications interact with essential oils.

If you want more information on aromatherapy please contact me via email or click here