Healing touch helps veterans and others with PTSD to decrease the PTSD symptoms, depression and enhance their quality of life. PTSD was brought to public attention because of the military veterans however it can affect anyone – even children. PTSD can result from various traumatic incidents, such as car accidents, rape, domestic violence, child abuse, train wrecks, muggings or natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods. Almost 7.7 million people suffer from PTSD and women are about twice as likely to develop it compared to men. I would like to share 2 studies with you to illustrate the power of healing touch in helping those that suffer from PTSD.
One study was completed with 35 women that had PTSD symptoms from domestic violence. The healing touch group received a total of 10 sessions. The healing touch group completed a survey before treatment started, after session 5 and at the end of the 10th session. The mean score dropped 19 points! They demonstrated a significant decrease in symptoms compared to the control group.
Another study by researchers at the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine found that healing touch with guided imagery — two complementary medicine techniques — helped to decrease symptoms of PTSD and increase quality of life for returning active-duty soldiers, when used in tandem with the usual PTSD treatment. I share this study with you because I believe the cause of the PTSD is insignificant, the fact that healing touch helps PTSD is what’s important.
The complementary medicine group received six sessions over three weeks. That group dropped more than 13 points on an 85-point scale that measures PTSD, while the control group who received conventional treatment dropped less than 5 points. This was reported in the September 2012 issue of Military Medicine.
In my private practice I have worked with women that come in for the issue of chronic physical pain and while doing the intake find they had a trauma in the past. When you do not fully process such an event it can show up later as a physical illness or symptom. Healing touch allows me to gently clear the trauma from their energetic field allowing the energy to flow and helping the mind and body to heal. What I like about using healing touch is that the client does not have to relive the experience or verbally describe it to me. I set the intention for a positive outcome and then get to work! I love it when a client says it feels like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders and the neck pain disappears. Or the veteran that says the anxiety is gone and they have not felt this relaxed in years!
If you or someone you know suffers from PTSD symptoms know there is hope to significantly decrease those symptoms. Healing touch can help veterans and others with PTSD.
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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.