Pic 4-30What the heck is a raindrop technique session using medicinal aromatherapy? It is a powerful,non-invasive technique developed by D. Gary Young that combines ancient healing wisdom of the Lakota people, energy medicine and therapeutic grade essential oils and helps relieve pain and rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. The technique uses 7 – 10 different medicinal grade essential oils to reduce pain and inflammation, relax tight muscles, relieve body and joint discomfort, support the immune system, ease respiratory discomfort, balance energy and reduce stress. The oils are applied first to your feet then dropped onto your back (hence the name raindrop) using various feathering and massaging type strokes. The specific oils used is determined by your desired outcome. For example muscle and joint issues receive 10 oils, respiratory issues receive 8 different oils etc.Raindrop Technique can help

  • Alleviate acute and chronic back pain
  •  Alleviate sciatica pain
  • Spinal mis-alignments such as scoliosis or kyphosis
  • Respiratory issues such as frequent colds
  • Joint issues such as arthritis There is a growing amount of research that says microorganisms lodge near the spinal cord and contribute to deformities such as scoliosis.

They also can cause pain and inflammation as is the case in sciatica. Inflammation is the root cause of many illnesses, pain and joint degeneration. The oils used are highly antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory which helps bring pain relief and stops the damage being done to your body. For those with scoliosis it is not uncommon to see a small shift in the spine after a treatment. I have received this technique on several different occasions. I have used it for tight, painful back muscles, sore joints and to boost my immune system. I felt much better after every session and the feeling continued for many days. T he only potential problem is after the treatment you smell like spaghetti sauce and you should not shower for 10 hours to get the maximum effect. If you have experienced this technique I would like to hear how the experience was for you,please comment below.

As an energy worker, I believe there should be some sort of exchange between people so this content is not for free. If you found it valuable,in exchange for payment, I ask that you do one or all of the following: 1) Share it with at least 2 people on Facebook, via email or any social media of your choice. 2) Answer the question or leave a comment. Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.