Helping VeteransI have volunteered at the East Bay Stand-down for veterans twice now. This is where displaced,homeless and needy veterans and their families can come every other year and receive free health care, legal advice, clothing, dental care, meals social services, job placement etc. Healing touch providers from several counties come to provide services during this 4 day event. It is a time of comradery and community for the providers and healing for the veterans.
I feel honored to be able to provide help to those that have given so much to protect our country and way of life. After the 20 minute session we ask the veterans if they would like to write about their experience with healing touch and most of them do. Many write how they did not think it could help their physical pain but it did along with making them very relaxed.
Others describe going to a place of relaxation and peace they had not experienced for a LONG time. Some talk about how they felt energy moving in their body and feeling up-lifted. All were happy with the treatment and told others. Many times the line was 5 or more people long with several practitioners working!
I also experienced sensations in their energy fields that I had not encountered in my private practice clients. Several had strong disturbances (I feel this as tingling or heat in my hands) throughout their entire field. The clients I had worked with previously had disturbances in different parts of the field such as chest and leg or head and abdomen but not the ENTIRE field. This told me that they had multiple physical and emotional issues that had not been processed. I wish I had more time to work with each one! I was grateful that they received some relief with our treatments.
If you or someone you know is a veteran and would like to try healing touch there are some free clinics through out the Bay Area. I also know of some healing touch students that are willing to provide treatments for free. If you  are interested please contact me, so I can connect you with the best person.
As an energy worker, I believe there should be some sort of exchange between people so this content is not for free. If you found it valuable, in exchange for payment, I ask that you do one or all of the following:
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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provide s a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine,as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.