inflammationI want you to know about Inflammation – the good, bad and the ugly. Inflammation is necessary and good for us for short periods of time. When you are injured or get an infection the inflammatory process comes to the rescue to fight off invaders and help our bodies to heal. . When you have a cold and develop a fever that is your immune system causing heat and inflammation to kill the virus or bacteria. When you cut yourself and the area becomes swollen, warm, and red your immune system is at work keeping bacteria out and helping the healing process. As healing occurs the inflammation process stops.

Chronic inflammation is not good for you. Constant low grade inflammation destroys the balance in your body and you become more susceptible to diseases and aging. Chronic stress which causes elevated cortisol levels, poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking and environmental toxins all contribute to chronic inflammation. The list goes on but my space is limited!

For example I noticed a stress pattern in me that continued for almost 20 years before I learned how to change it using holistic therapies. I was a wife and Mom and put everyone’s needs before my own. I would push myself between work, kids, husband and taking care of the house until my back would start hurting or I couldn’t sleep at night. I would get very irritable, feel exhausted, become ill and finally take some time to nourish myself. At this point I was breaking the stress cycle but then I would start the whole cycle over again! My immune system was also depressed and I caught colds often. My asthma also flared up regularly (an inflammatory disease). Since I learned how to manage my stress I am rarely sick, much less irritable and have more energy.

The ugly side of inflammation is that after MANY years in your body it finally manifests with clinical symptoms and disease. Diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, cancer, chronic pain, heart disease, stroke, asthma, thyroid problems and more!. Western medicine will prescribe drugs to decrease or suppress the inflammation but that is not addressing the root cause of the problem and can actually cause more damage to your body.  Just listen to all the potential side effects they talk about in the ads while showing happy, active people. You remember the images, not the words. I have seen firsthand how taking drugs over the long term can adversely affect your health and life. However I know that lifestyle changes are the best way to stop inflammation naturally. That will be addressed in my next post, control inflammation naturally.

If you’re ready to take action and make healthy lifestyle changes I can help. Contact me for a free consultation to explore the possibilities.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine, as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.