time-for-changeI have experienced many life transitions and transformations through my 50+ years of being alive. Transitions like going from single to married and later on being a Mom. One that I am still experiencing is going from nurse to healer and business owner. This has been the most challenging transformation for me yet. My identity for 30+ years was a nurse. I worked in hospitals, home health agencies and a retirement residence. In many ways I became subservient to physicians, patients and management. When there was a conflict between a doctor and a nurse the doctor was usually not reprimanded, it was the nurse. This taught me being quiet was better than trying to change things. When speaking to patients you had to watch how you said things At times I was even the victim of verbal abuse and NOT just from demented patients! The patients were the consumers and if they responded negatively to a patient satisfaction survey management would call you in for “a talk.” So I learned to walk away and again not express myself. I learned how NOT to stand out because when you did you usually got “in trouble” with management, physicians or other staff members.

Then 2 frozen shoulders put me on disability for a year. During this time I focused on myself and my private healing practice. I started taking classes to learn about how to speak, how to truly express myself and my point of view. It was through this experience that I realized how much I had dimmed my light in order to conform to the “rules”.

I can now be honest, open and compassionately tell people what they need to hear about their health issues and how to change it without fear of losing my job! Speaking the truth is actually doing a great service for the client even if they don’t like what they hear. I was also afraid to take a strong stand about the downside of western medicine because I do not want to alienate that community. What I have learned however is that I need to take a stand so people are clear about who I am and what I stand for in my practice. I need to stand out and be seen in order to reach more people and have a successful business. I know what I have to say is important and can change lives. I am still on this path and relearning how to be less inhibited and fearless like when I was a child.  It is a challenging and fun ride!

Is there something in your life that you want to transform? I needed help to see what I needed to do and then to do it. If you need help in transforming your pain from a weight holding you back into vitality, joy, and energy I invite you to talk with me.