20140625_194631I love my daily mindful walk because it allows me to enjoy all the beauty around me, de-stress and be in the present moment. Our dog Huck requires 1 – 2 walks a day in order to be calm at night. When I walk him I have started to enjoy all the small things that I never noticed before. I actually stop and smell the roses and other flowers along the way. I notice the trim work and accent painting on the houses. I live in Alameda and we have many Victorians and other architectural style homes. Driving by you don’t notice the different style siding or the 3 different trim colors on the homes but the work can be very exquisite. This is a time where I consciously make a decision not to think about work or my to-do list. I want to enjoy the space I am at that moment. This can also be called a walking meditation.
It is comical that when I think about it I am just mimicking Huck. He trots along until he sees or smells something that catches his attention then he stops and investigates. After a short time he moves on.He is fully enjoying his time exploring things outside of his home and yard. He is not worried about what time it is or when he will eat next, he lives in the present moment. So I wonder if dogs are always in a meditative state. We also enjoy jogging in short bursts on our walks. This helps both of us get some exercise and helps me to keep my mind clear. After the walk I feel more centered, clearer in my head, energized and ready to return to work.
I invite you to try this for yourself. Instead of walking with your mind full of to-do lists, worries or work try to just be mindful of what is around you. Check in with yourself before you start the walk. How are you feeling physically and emotionally? Then check in again when you are finished. I would love to hear if you noticed any changes. I love my daily mindful walk and hope you will to.
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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, Speaker, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine,as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.