Medicinal Aromatherapy to Help Transform Negative Emotions in Your Life

emotionsMedicinal aromatherapy can help you cope with negative emotions. Do you constantly feel stressed, overwhelmed and just want to scream? Are you in the process of a divorce and experiencing all sorts of emotions like anger, sadness or guilt? Have you recently experienced the death of a loved one and sadness and depression seem to overwhelm you? Do you feel irritable more often than happy? Many issues play a role in these feelings and medicinal aromatherapy can help take the edge off so you can get back to living your life.

Why are oils so effective when dealing with emotional issues? When you breathe in the aroma of an essential oil it goes directly to the amygdala, a small gland in the brain that houses memories and stores and releases emotional trauma. It bypasses your conscious mind – that is why you react to smells without thinking about it! Think about it – have you ever smelled something and a memory popped into your head? The aroma of baking cookies might bring back memories of Grandma’s house or the scent of roses take you back to a favorite garden where you spent many a lazy afternoon sitting outside reading or gardening. Be aware aromas can also bring back not so fond memories. One woman I knew could not stand the smell of peppermint because her grandfather was an alcoholic and drank peppermint schnapps.

When you take in an aroma that triggers a happy, relaxing thought in your mind your body responds by releasing endorphins,“feel good” hormones. It happens quickly and you feel less stressed, angry etc. The oils will also raise your energetic vibration.

Some of my favorite oils to use when I get into a stressful situation are ylang ylang and jasmine. Other oils that assist in decreasing stress are Bergamot, Frankincense, Lavender, and Mandarin.  I sometimes blend 2 to 4 oils together for a synergistic effect.  They can uplift your spirit and take the edge off so you can function better.

All feelings carry a vibration, buried or repressed emotions have a low vibration.  Therapeutic grade oils help heal negative emotions by raising your vibration and work at a cellular level to release the trauma. If the stress is new, for example an incident happens at work and you use an oil right after it happens, you will feel some relief immediately.  If you have been living with unresolved grief for a long time (months or years) the oils must be used regularly and over a period of time to be effective. Some people feel a positive response in a week and for others 4 – 6 weeks before noticing a change. By raising your vibration your mind and body can come back into balance and help to heal itself.

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Laurie Ratto, RN, BSN, HTCP, CCA has 30+ years’ experience helping people to heal from physical, mental , and emotional pain. She provides a safe, nurturing space for women to release fears and self-doubt, what spiritually ties us to pain. Laurie Ratto specializes in complementary medicine,as a holistic healer, she keeps her RN certification current because she understands the power of balance as we heal.