Not until I studied energy medicine did I realize how easily we are affected by each other’s energy fields. As an RN working in the hospital or home care I cared for patients that were happy, sad, angry, depressed, joyful, and every emotion you can think of. Some days I would come home feeling energized, happy and ready to enjoy my family. Some days I came home feeling drained, exhausted physically and emotionally and just wanted to sit alone or watch mindless TV. After studying energy medicine I realized that sometimes I was taking on other people’s energy or giving my energy to them to try and alleviate their suffering. This had been done all unconsciously of course. Now that I was aware of it I could do something about it.

I learned techniques on how to stop myself from taking on negative energy and how to send universal healing energy, not my own energy, to others. One method of protecting my energy field is to place 2 drops of white angelica essential oil blend in my hands and then run them through my aura. This raises my vibration and protects my field.

I remember one particularly challenging home care case with a woman who was very angry and negative about most things. Before entering her room I made sure I was very well grounded and sent her healing energy from Mother Earth and the Divine. When she started with negative conversation I would shift her attention to a happy memory. This allowed us to have some periods of normal conversation. She began to trust me and allow me to do the necessary procedures for her. Her caregivers also said she was less angry and more cooperative. She experienced longer periods of peacefulness and happiness. At the end of the day I felt good and energized instead of drained or exasperated. It was a win-win for both of us!

Are their people in your life that affect you negatively? Do you sometimes feel sad or mad after being in a crowd and are not sure why? It could be you’re sensitive to other people’s energy and need to learn how to manage that. I can help with a session to clear your field and teach you techniques so you don’t take on energy that is not your own. Give me a call and let’s talk about it.